
Also that found-footage episode, I can't remember the name but it's immediately before 'Face the Raven' fortunately they contribute nothing to the larger arc and can easily be skipped.

I think a case can be made for the workprint cut of Alien3 there were certainly some interesting ideas there and at-least it wasn't attempting to rehash too much of the previous films and gives a sense of closure.
It does have a slight monster-of-the-week feel though and doesn't naturally expand the world the same way

I actually thought it looked pretty cool except the 'sex scene get interrupted by sudden monster' trope, I think it's cheap at the best of times but really doesn't fit the style of an Alien film.

I got The Nice Guys on Bluray and the latest Criminal: Wrong Time, Wrong Place trade-paperback, I'm glad I waited before buying those for myself.

Not very Christmas-y but I'm watching the Edward Norton Incredible Hulk film for the first time.
I don't know if it's because it's shot on film but I actually think it's one of the better looking MCU films, it doesn't have that light-weight, shot-for-coverage look that many of the other franchise entries have (even the

I agree but that's not the same as the level of fear panic, people have towards the Trump administration.
People would have complained either way but the " avalanche of it's-the-end-of-the-world thinkpeaces" wouldn't have happened under anyone other than Trump. Sure there may have been a few here and there but Trump

"all because the Democrats lost an election"
As an Englishman looking at the situation from the outside that doesn't ring true.
If someone like Jeb Bush won sure there'd be complaining but I highly doubt we'd have the panic and fear there is now.

Are you everyone's annoying uncle?

I thought this was some macabre poem and googled to find out the writer.

I do wonder if it's turning a profit yet or if it's still running on investment from NBC because they really want 'their Netflix', looking at the views and comments on their official YouTube channel I can't imagine they have enough subscribers.
I wouldn't be surprised if they do a Yahoo! Screen and the whole thing

Cross-dressing also gives you that advantage.

Wasn't that her wife? I remember her not being as vocal about that as Cameron but it's possible you're referring to another episode.
From what I heard it didn't seem like her point was entirely "just because she's a woman" because she shot someone down for having the gall to suggest they'd vote for Jill Stein.

I'd say it's more in the vein Louie/Maron/Master of None but with two lead characters instead of just one.

Yea I think I'd pay for SeeSo if I could, even with such a limited selection I'm interested in Harmontown, Take My Wife and Bajillion Dollar Properties enough to give it a couple of months and see if it's worth it.
In an ideal world they'd just sell their entire original series catalog to Netflix in the UK as I'm

I was waiting for this reference and got worried no one was going to make it.

I liked in this case, along with the deliberately crappy camera work and editing (at least I assume it was deliberate) it give the whole thing a weird, manic, cult charm.

I'm English and I still haven't seen Fleabag. It's all on the BBC Iplayer right now, so I'll take your word for it (and everyone else's) and check it out.

"Also Cloud Atlas is an underrated masterpiece! There I said it! "
Is that an unpopular opinion? I loved it and was under the impression it was at least critically liked but sometimes I just don't know with these things.

As a way of getting new viewers interested in the show, espeailly those who saw the first few episodes and thought it wasn't for them, I recommend showing them 'Escape From L.A.' from season 2.
They'll be some minor spoilers but it works so well as a stand-alone piece of television and if they're still not interested
