
Shakespeare Live! From The RSC
I was there with my girlfriend, sadly not in the building but was around that town and stood outside for a bit. My girlfriend was hoping to spot David Tennant entering, which we didn't but we did see almost everyone else; Dame Judy Dench, Dame Helen Mirren, Not-Dame Catherine Tate, Prince

I mean I expected it to make money. I suppose I underestimated the crossover between Wizarding World fanatics and AV Clubbers.

You're aware he wasn't saying there was but that sometimes a little variety is nice. Or any.

How would you say this movie differs from those based on other real-life tragedies or do you have a problem with those as well?
Not trying to be snarky, it's not exactly a genre I'm interested in either but I was wondering why you think this movie is less appreciated than World Trade Center from Oliver Stone or Zodiac

That seems to happen every year right? There's always at least one Schrodinger's film that was simultaneously terrible and The AV Club was wrong to call terrible.

I didn't think this season was as strong as the previous two, in fact I thought the final two parter was kind of weak.
Which could be why it was forgotten, also it was really near the start of the year right?
It's a shame because there were still some great moments in there but there's also a lot of other great stuff on

They could do that plotline in the DCEU and it would have and it would have an extra level of impact that it didn't have originally.
Zack Snyder would still find a way to fuck it up though.

Glad to see Doom and The Nice Guys made the list (both of which I voted for). I'm surprised Fantastic Beasts made the 'AV Club Were Wrong About', I voted for it as worst of the year, knowing full well there were worse films I hadn't seen, but hoping it would make number 10.

That's a really interesting selection, may I ask how you decided on those?
It's nice to see I'm not the only one in this thread who didn't get to the cinema much in 2016, we saw the same quantity of films but you have a more eclectic list.

Wow the list of your favorite films you've seen this years is exactly same length as my list of all the films I've seen from this year.
And mine would be 3 films shorter if I didn't have two plain transatlantic flights.
I really need to up my game in 2017, I'm tempted to get one of those monthly "unlimited" passes

Seeing as I've seen so few films this year, I might as well post my entire list. I'd only describe the top three as my favorites, after that there's a big dip in enjoyment:

That's a solid point about language being social and therefor the 'wrong' usage of words like 'literally' are in fact correct.
However, in the case of dice and die most publications would still use 'die' in both America and England and therefor it is equally 'correct' in both places.
Basically whether you're in the UK

"He's nothing and nobody and none of this will matter in four years outside of scripted jokes, and people shrugging when asked what they were thinking."
God I hope you're right.
That seems like a best case scenario but it's good to dream.

Nope pretty sure it's technically die. Almost everyone says dice but it's one of those areas where technically almost everyone is wrong.

I'm sure when actually Nazis do show up someone will complain about them being labeled "Nazis".
Or perhaps it just happened.

Well they reconnected the twists in one of their later shorts anyway, when they revealed he based his 'character' on a real person he'd heard about.
So you can have your cake and eat it too, they didn't "ruin" the Mandarin, they just invented a new character inspired by him.

I think you can know that character and still appreciate the twist and modernization.
It's just those purists who wanted it to maintain completely faithful to the original character (or should I say caricature) who had a problem.

Me too. Sometimes I have a moment of weakness and turn it off but always right back on after my worse fears have been confirmed.

I do. I think every effect shot from the film was in those trailers.

Not The A.V. Club
'I don't think they had an encyclopedial knowledge of film.'