
I think there's already something with that name over here but can't think of what, at least it's better than the Chinese title 'Crazy Animal City' (not a joke).

"They wanted Spielberg or Tarantino."
They really couldn't decide what tone/style they wanted then. Those are two very different choices.

I was glad to see a World War 2 drama that doesn't look like Saving Private Ryan, which seems to have been the standard for any film set in the front-line in the last 18 years.

You just made me feel bad for how little British TV I've watched this year, despite being British and working for Endemol Shine (who make a lot of the best TV).
I saw almost all of Bake Off and Planet Earth II with my flatmates, and I've been watching Class with my girlfriend. Apart from the odd episode of panel shows

Yea I honestly had to put in a bit of work to finish the first season (or maybe I only made it to the second last episode) when I had Amazon Prime and I just decided it wasn't for me and never watched further.

I really disliked this series, in fact I'm three episodes from the end and have no intention of finishing it.
The longer length of the episodes really kills the pacing and it feels like they're spinning their wheels already.
Perhaps I'm in the minority here, I enjoyed season 1 as well.

"My wish is to see him get impeached, jailed and broke."
But then you'd get President Pence and that's somehow worse. It's basically the perfect fail-safe/deadman-switch for Trump - If anything happen to him we get Pence.

I agree, that article was interesting but I think it was trying way too hard to give Trump a monumental benefit-of-the-doubt.
And his 16th point seems to be "Trump insults his opponents for any reason he can find, so it's not 'racist' for him to insult a Mexican judge because he's Mexican" - except it is.
Trump used

Rapper meets Raper.

I was wondering which film he appeared in and was going to say he'd look to young if he was the actor they used in the prequels.
But I just looked it up and for some reason they had him in Episode 3 in make-up that made him look almost identical to his appearance in Episode 4.
Which makes no sense whatsoever.

Or a hologram if they wanted to hide the uncanny-valley effect.
I haven't seen the film so perhaps that's what they did but it doesn't seem like it from the review.

Yay! Another Londoner here.
I should really visit that cinema more than I do.

Is A Few Good Men set entirely during a softball game?
Is the motivation of the main character to visit his wife to see a softball game?
Are there several references to the softball game throughout the film?

What is a Christmas movie if not a movie set at Christmas?

While Die Hard is a great alternate Christmas movie, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Gremlins deserve some love too.

Black Mirror too low - or rather too higher - I wanted to see it lower down the list and thus in a higher position.
This is confusing.

Geez, he's 20 already.
I thought they actually cast a teenager this time, they grow up so fast.

Wow, that's really well written and thought out.
I love when a silly hypothetical comment of mine can lead to an interesting mini-essay.
I always thought racial distinctions seems arbitrary when you really got down to it (espeailly as they differ in different countries and cultures) but it's cool to know the

I wonder if they could have got around it by casting a non-white actor and still claiming the character is white.
Like Andrew Garfeild was almost 30 but the character was supposedly still a teenager, or that film where Emma Stone was Asian.
If it works, that kind of legal-loophole would prove how stupid the whole "Peter

Oh my god, yes he was. I had to re-watch it and pause on every shot to find him but there he was.
For some reason I thought he was playing a teacher so expected him to be in a classroom scene. Hopefully he's not just a boring henchman and is actually a substantial character.