
I agree 100% and am sorry to hear about your personal life, I hope that improves.
Obviously Trump isn't going to improve the lives of most white, straight, cis men in any meaning full way but they probably won't get measurably worse which scares my slightly in regards to the 2020 election.
Sadly I can foresee a bunch of

I was hoping it was but I wasn't sure what I was expecting it to be shot in back in 1997.
Filming a sex tape in the back of a theater with a VHS Camcorder would be difficult if only because the low-light performance on those things would have been terrible.

On an unrelated note:
When do we go from saying 2016 to '16?
Because I'm looking forward to that.

Not my family
My dad still apologizes after his yearly use of the word "bugger",

I realized I was an old man when I complained out load that memes started to suck the minute they appeared on facebook and weren't limited to weird, niche forums any more.
The fact is they don't suck any more or less than they used to, I just outgrew them at roughly the same time they appeared on facebook.

I never heard of Slack until this year and I was the only person in the office to not bother to install it. I managed not to miss out on anything except one office party (which I found out about on the day).
Is there anything special about it or is it just another instant messaging app?

This is worth remembering, it's possible to have a great personal life in really trying times or a shitty one in an economic boom.
That's encouraging because, while changing the political climate may seem impossible, it's far easier to improve your life and those lives around you*.

Oh shit Brandon Wardell, isn't he Bo Burnham's friend?

I liked DD from the start to the middle but got really bored towards the end of season 1, to the point I never bothered with the second season.
I loved the start of JJ (had high hopes for something special after the first episode) but the middle was a SLOG and it only just pulled me back in by the end, which was good

Is that also true for Luke Cage? I've yet to start that one because of my experience with DD and JJ.

I actually stopped watching after three episodes when it first premiered and only just got back into it. So this is perfect for me.

I imagine it will be about as successful as the Hamilton boycott. For a boycott (or threat of boycott) you have to already be costumers. You can't boycott something you'd never purchased, seen or heard of before, all you're doing it giving it free publicity.
I doubt there's a huge crossover between hard-core Trumpers

I don't have the time to do it but understand the impulse, I have to have a plugin that hides youtube comments otherwise I'll end up reading a whole thread, even though I know going in it will make me depressed and angry.

Who's the "we" in that sentence? Sure that applies to us at The AV Club but the show is going into it's 6th season so I'm assume it's popular enough.
Maybe we're not as far from the 90s as we like to think, just look at what's really popular with mainstream audiences. When I visit my parents I still meet people who

Yea but the video only had two main characters and one was the polar opposite of that despite being the same age demographic as the girl (I assume).
I mean it was very black and white, the guy still used a flip phone and carried a physical map and that's hardly a realistic view of most non-millennials.
I can't imagine

There was a daytime debate show in the UK about angels, and in an attempt to be "unbiased" they had a panel of around 6 people, 5 who believed in different types of angels and one who didn't believe in angels.

"virtually anything can be considered "biased" because even observable
facts of reality are considered biased from certain points of view"

It's true, I can't remember exactly where it was or what it was called but I remember reading about the problem with news sources attempting to be truly "unbiased" and "balanced".
If you're posting a story on a solar eclipse do you have to give equal weight to the small minority of people who think the earth is flat?

You don't need to be obnoxious of self absorbed to use an internet dating app.
If I remember correctly it's basically Tinder but the woman has to message first but I couldn't be confusing it with the other dozen similarly named apps.

It's not really mocking millennials though. The whole thing seems pretty ironic, like the premise was "what would Greese look like if it was made today about this generation".
Maybe I'm giving Lin too much of the benefit of the doubt but I have to believe his tongue was planted firmly in his cheek when he wrote this.