
Yea I think the openings sets up the millennial tropes but the ending does the Greece thing where both the stereotypical-millennial and the anti-millennial change to be more like the other and are happier for it.
But it's so stereotypical and cheesy I have to assume the whole thing has a heavy layer of irony and is

It's Troll 2 spelt backwards!

The A.V. Club
"at best, a purveyor of facile pop-Jungianism and at worst a New Age grifter."

I haven't seen this video but the outline Dan's published online allows the protagonist to die, in fact they have to "change" by the end of that story and that "change" could well be self-sacrifice or death.

I thought that from the title but because it's Lin-Manuel I watched it anyway and it's not really mocking.
I mean it is a bit but the ending is pretty balanced. I can't tell what was intentionally cringe-worthy and what was just cringe-worthy though.
But yes genuine millennial-bashing is incredibly tired now.

I agree about the lack of titillation, it probably has some of the less sexualised nudity and sex scenes outside of a Tommy Wiseau film but obviously far more well done.

I'm mid way through the season, I enjoyed it enough but I just lost motivation and after a few weeks or not watching it I switched to The Knick.
I should jump back on it though before I forget what happened,

Surely that more incentive to watch it with them or perhaps we have very different mechanisms for dealing with non-approving people.

"an erratic memoir"
might be more accurate.

I honestly don't like many of the actions scenes with the exception of 3 & 4 but the climaxes of 5 & 6 are particularly boring.
They just seems like actors standing around in sets while special effects happen.
At the time I wanted to see a magic battle directed like a John Woo gun fight and while I now think that

I know it makes things harder from a production stand point but I do wish more teen films cast teen actors.
When it's done badly it can suck but I think it's worth the risk when it works.
I've been watching the Doctor Who spin-off Class and all the actors pushing 30 playing high school students requires constant effort

I think some of that nonsense starts to stand out as the series gets more dark and serious.
Personally I think Rowling never expected the series to go in the direction it did and was originally planning 7 episodic children's books just like the first 3.
But then they exploded in popularity and she decided to widen the

Yea I still fantasize about what a 13 episode BBC series of each Harry Potter book would be like.
It almost seems to fit better than film adaptions, perhaps if the series wasn't so wildly popular we would have got that instead.

I think there are plenty of those hard-core fans (a huge chunk of my piers) and I think it'll have a large family audience as well.

This is basically what I was expecting. Out of my entire film-watching life this will probably be the thing I'm least interested in but still pay full price to see.
Is there anyway this franchise won't make money?

Yea but even the indoor scenes were so de-saturated and flat. I'm not knocking it as a look but it was very noticeable but you're right it fit the context.

I don't know what safe spaces you've experienced but I wouldn't call Alcoholics Anonymous, LGBTQIA Groups, Mental-health Services or Suicide Support Groups "circle jerks".
I am sure there are many places online that purport to be safe spaces that are indeed toxic but that doesn't mean we should get rid of all safe

It's strange how the people who criticize "safe spaces" are often the same people who defend "locker room talk".
It's not really "safe spaces" they have a problem with, it's just "safe spaces" for anyone other than them (usually to keep people safe from them).

Oh yea, when I said "someone like Bernie" I meant someone with similar views not him running again.
Someone in my facebook feed pointed out (so it's subject to fact checking) "trump actually got fewer votes than mccain or romney did, people didn't
go out and vote for him in droves. the same hard core of wackos went out

Well now I'm sad.
Thanks for adding more sadness on top of the sad sandwich which is today.