
That's honestly why I think Michelle Obama would be a strong choice in 2020. She might not have the experience but this election proves that experience really doesn't matter.
I think she has exactly the right kind of personality and "the Obama's are back!" narrative would play really well.
It would have the added

I would go beyond just saying "interesting" and "charismatic" and boil it down to "most different".
People don't like things the way they are and don't think their vote matters unless they can use it to vote for something that's really going to shake up the system.
The last thing they want is someone who represents more

That's what happens in the UK. We've had a Conservative government for 6 years and there are people who still blame the "overspending" of the previous government for cuts from the current one.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was the first thing I saw her in and I thought she was great then (I was 13 so don't know if that count as 'kid').

I imagine that's a month all in, no way does one of those 15-minute stories take 4 weeks to film (that would mean shooting less than a page a day).
I imagine if they're the only writers most of that time is spent generating ideas and writing scripts.
6 Episodes is standard for a British sitcom from a single writer.

Other than River Song have any characters from Rustle T. Davis's run come back since Moffat took over? I guess there was the tenth Doctor and Rose (sort of) in the 50th special.

Maybe over-stuffed bit I'm reading through that list and not seeing a lot that really grabs my interest, a few could be surprise hits though (The Mummy or Pirates) but I wouldn't be surprised if a few of those flop.
Perhaps that's why they've moved it to the summer because they think a few of those tent-poles are going

Even Paradise Island looks less vibrant than it could be, there's just something about that look that makes it seems cold and unappealing (which is ironic considering it's literally a beach).
Like many film-making techniques slow-mo is awesome when used well but it's coolness is directly propitiation to how sparely

Still not a tonne of colors though, it still looks slightly desaturated for most of the trailer.
Maybe I'm just in a grumpy mood today but I'm still skeptical, that was a LOT of slow mo.

"Not exactly a "scandal" the way there was with Depp, but he's said some things about autistic people"
Man that sucks.

"equating the potential danger of neglecting to come to the aid of a
drunken girlfriend with Jimmy mussing the Trump's bizarre hair is just
Just to be clear I wasn't equating the two dangers I was given an example of something that's not a legal obligation but is still an obligation.
Obviously the potential

The nihilification of our country!!!

I don't think it's meant to be making fun of the gorilla, it's just comedically exaggerating the whole situation.

Because gorillas (likemost animals) don't wear pants.

Sure it's notable but I doubt it's the only factor. Correlation does not imply causation and all that.

Didn't something similar happen with the From Hell film. They wanted to make a Jack the Ripper movie and for some reason decided to purchase the rights to the comic so they could attach that name to it.

He missed a bunch of the non-MCU ones, I don't think he's in very many of the X-Men film.
I heard he doesn't travel very far for cameos which rules out films shot outside the US.

I wouldn't say terrible but I did see a rant of his on youtube complaining about how long the credits for Marvel films where, it was done in a jokey manner but still rubbed me the wrong way.
I don't see what the big deal is but I've never met him and everyone I follow who has seems to like him (they're also employed by

I'm inclined to agree, they seems less fun now you know there coming and seem to be included out of obligation.

I'm not a vegetarian but I can see what you're saying about the fetishization of meat. I think perhaps because it had to be killed (or hunted in the past) it's considered more manly than other foods.
Sweets foods get fetishization almost as much as well and here I am just a fan of bread-sticks and boring carbs,