
That can be fixed so easily by a professional in post as well. If I lived in the US I'd be offering my services, seems like a fun company to work for.

"Jimmy had no obligation whatsoever to not humanize Trump"
I wouldn't say that at all.
Sure he had no legal obligation but that's not the same as 'no obligation whatsoever', he still has has a moral obligation as a human being and an obligation to his viewers.
If my girlfriend is out at a party and texts me saying she's

Yea, I really disliked that about Avengers 2 (but I disliked a lot about that film), it's hardly the fault of Iron Man 3 though.
I think it tells a really good stand-alone story, the cast have great chemistry and individual moments to shine and it caps off the trilogy nicely as well as building on the end of The

I wouldn't say the world building justified Iron Man 2, if anything it drags it down further, the world is built perfectly well without it and it's probably the least important to the overall arc.
That's definitely near the bottom, fortunately the third film redeems it.

"Well I've spent years editing Wikipedia based on yours books!"—Me (to Dan Brown)

That's a Black Mirror-eque premise right there.
A world were teleportation is so normalized that society isn't set-up to accommodate any other means of transportation; no roads, no front doors, just giant buildings with teleporters to other giant building.
In the same way we have no idea where the server is physically

A lot of column B.

Because I'm dyslexic and incorrect spelling has no baring on the validity of what I'm trying to express.
But good job pointing it out.

Interesting view, I can certainly understand it even if I don't agree.
I do agree with you on the child scenario because that wouldn't be another me.
I would almost prefer for the original to be destroyed than to have two identical versions of myself running around, unless the second version was on a far off world. It

So the question is, if teleportation or digitizing your consciousness was possible… Would you do it?
Personally I would.
Maybe the teleporter/digitization will leave 'me' dead but it will be instant and painless and I won't regret it or even comprehend it, maybe what we call "continuity of consciousness" is just

Depends how much you believe in a sense of self or 'sole'. Which is what a lot of these comments seem to be getting down to and is an interesting thing to explore.
If you think the person who dies isn't the same as the person in the simulation because of their 'sole'/'consciousness' or whatever then surely the same

They set-up her apparent willingness to kill roach-sympathizers in the opening scene so it's a clever misdirect.

Yea I guessed it straight away but that in no way hurt my viewing experience. The conversation watching the episode went a little like this:
Character mentions "roaches"
Flatmate: "What's the wager 'roaches' are aliens?"

So the photo they used in the header imagine seems to have more contrast than anything in the episode.
I don't know if there are any other camera nerds here but the whole episode almost looked like ungraded log footage.
Certainly gave it a unique look after the very saturated 80s colors of San Junipero.

"i just *can't* imagine the "bottling", transportation, and rehousing of your own unique consciousness"
That's the crux of your problem, you don't need to imagine it, the show tells you that's what happens.
It's like watching a zombie show and arguing you can't imagine how would zombies exist, you're watching a

I like that theory of maintaining consciousness during "passing over".
If a sole does exist I would hope it would have a strong enough survival instinct to move across to the simulated half when the organic half got shut off.
But again this is all just philosophical conjecture.

But how can you be sure each morning you're not a COPY of your previous self with all their memories?
The answer is don't think about it, if there is such a thing as a 'sole' or 'consciousness' then maybe it transfers to the copy when it's made but as nether of those things are provable I'm not sure why it matters.

"Worst of all is that the series has become painfully obvious; a few mins into every ep already spells out the ending."
I think that's just because after 2 seasons viewers are becoming more savvy to the show. I imagine if someone started on this season without knowing what it was, they endings wouldn't be so easy to

That was my interpenetrating as well. They had a flashing thing on their temple which usually signifies brain activity or some kind of live connection.

"I don't know that I'd even want this for myself (forever is a long time)"
Well the best part is you can stop at any time, they mention that. You'd get an afterlife for as long as you wanted and then could choice to cease to exist when you got truly bored,