
Yea Nosedive leaves the character in a better place emotionally but she's still in a terrible world.
This world doesn't seem too bad at all, it certainly wins the "which Black Mirror alternate universe would you rather live in?" game.
That said the character in Nosedive will eventually get released from jail and her

Hulu help finance the final season of The Thick Of It as well.

It is.
It's also 'famous director privilege' which is a privilege that's given to white men more than any other group.
Which is exactly why JJ are hiring exclusively female directors in the first place. It all comes full circle.

The Shrive is the name of the malware removal program and it's pretty clear it's what allows them to spy on him.
Not to mention the name literally means "confess your sins", the hackers were sure lucky Kenny didn't have a dictionary to hand.

That what I thought but the previous comment lead me to believe otherwise. We have a similar list/register in the UK as well, which is the crux of the ending of John Hamm's plot-line in White Christmas.

Why not though?
I don't think it's particularly dark or grim the version in heaven being a "copy", it's not more depressing than the idea that the transporter in Star Trek is technically making a "copy" every time someone teleports.
If you don't believe in a sole then a copy is just as good as the original.

Also if it is the same universe then '15 Million Merits' is a TV show that has been running for a least a hundred years - long before 'Merits' were even used as a currency.
Perhaps some of the stories same a universe but not all of them.

I didn't even think of it as transporting their consciousness, I just thought it is as a similar device to the one in Playtest, perhaps a perfected version of the same technology.
It's basically just a video game they're controlling with their mind, until their mind is uploaded directly into the game at the end.

Bam! This comment right here people!
There's really no way of knowing for sure you are the same person you were before and not a replacement with the exact same memories.
If short-term memories could be instantly transported into a clone and the original could be disintegrated and replaced with the identical clone in a

Counterpoint: Her avatar in SJ could be controlled by her real brain when she's alive but controlled by a simulated copy of her brain when she's dead.
A bit like a human player being replaced by a bot when they drop out an online game.

Here's an interesting point though" If an upload isn't the same person then are you the same person you were 5 years ago (or yesterday) or are you are new entity inhabiting the same body burdened with the hangups, with the anxieties and the pain of the person that came inhabited it before?
And a further point… Does

Yea I was expecting her to be an overweight male for some reason. Just because she was warning the other girl that she wasn't what she expected.

Technically it's just a simulation of the dead but I guess it's 100% accurate and you don't believe in a "sole" that's the same thing.
Like a Star Trek transporter technically disintegrates you and makes a copy but it's best not to dwell on that.

Or any of Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe or Gameswipe which is all on youtube but is doomed to never have an official streaming or DVD release because there's so much licensed content.

Netflix: "Take whatever you need, but try and keep most of them to under 15-seconds".
I laughed at the scene with the changing tapes once I figured they were trying to get as many recognizable songs in as possible while licensing as little of them as they could get away with.

His line "it was the first game to do that" is what first clued me up to things not being as they seemed.
I Initially thought time-travel but that's not very Black Mirror.

I've been watching every episode this season with my two housemates and so far we've managed to guess every twist before it's revealed and that hasn't hurt any of the episodes (except maybe Playtest).
They're all very much about characters and emotion first and technology and twists as the backdrop.
You could watch any

At the end of the episode you see that San Junipero isn't the only simulation. They were just lucky both happened to be in the same simulation, it also explains why they were in the same country.

I don't think Shrive is meant to be the trusted cleaner in this universe. When watching that scene I totally tensed up when he went on that site because something told me it was dodgy.
I personally wouldn't trust any free anti-malware tool with a little animated broom.
He's a dumb kid who knows malware is bad that's

"Is there a much larger social issue facing how people view pedophiles in the UK?"
Absolutely. It's totally social suicide here and you'd barely survive in prison if the other inmates knew you were a pedophile, it's definitely treated worse than murder.
We've had a few high profile scandals here over the past few years.