
"Grubby, seedy, and cynical to a fault."
To me that's what the series is supposed to be. Out of curiosity, which episodes drew you into the series?

Oh he totally could.
Let's be honest, if someone of Fincher's caliber offered to direct an episode they'd back off their principles pretty quickly.
But if he was a fan of the series I would hope he respects what they're doing enough to not interfere.

It's so strange watching a show like that without a live studio audience, it took me a second to realize why it felt so weird.
Edit: I guess it's not that unusual I'm just used to comedy panel shows not day-time quizzes.

"When you're that age and everything is massively magnified in your head, knowing that everyone is going to see you jerking off and make your life a living hell is going to seem like the worst thing in the world."
That actually happened to a friend of a co-worker, years ago they were Catfished on a dating site and

Oh jeez, those were the best takes??? I guess it's even easier when everything's green-screen.
David Fincher used to work for ILM back on Episode 6 and Temple of Doom so it's interesting he uses similar techniques to Lucas.

Just like BFG ammo in the new DOOM game, I made that mistake and enjoy watching each of my housemates do it when I see them play.
There could always be a bigger monster round the corner so you have to save that ammo, then you find more when you're already full so end up using it on something minor.

You're not meant to get on board with the comeuppance though, I think that's the problem.
You're suppose to think it was sick that a group of online trolls would use people for their entertainment like this. Having someone in their who did something relatively minor in comparison was the point.
The trolls don't care,

Yea it definitely seemed like the trolls were targeting pedophiles and using other sinners (for lack of a better word) as pawns to set everything up.
Before everyone was outed at the end, I thought perhaps this wasn't the first time they'd done this and it was a regular thing.

There are organizations specifically dedicated to rehabilitation but they receive hardly any funding or donations.
And understandably very few potential offenders would voluntarily visit such organizations for therapy because there's so much stigma attached.
It doesn't help that the English language uses the same word

David Fincher has taken it a step further now, I was watching some behind-the-scenes thing on Gone Girl where he took two performances from different takes (one for each actor) and composited them together.
He's a mad genius, I have so much respect for his craftsmanship.

That comment would work better in a series of interconnected speech-bubbles crammed onto a single panel.

Even so if there was even a remote chance it could interfere they'd take it out the room.
It's bizarre they didn't take all devices off him for security purposes anyway, I saw an interview with Charlie Brooker describing this episode as a "popcorn movie" so in that context I can forgive it.
It certainly tries harder to

Because it wasn't acquired through anything close to legal means a good lawyer could maybe argue it was fabricated but that doesn't matter.
He's a terrified kid of course he'll go through with whatever they tell him to.

I assumed that too, with a good lawyer he could probably cast enough doubt in a court of law that he wasn't jerking it to anything other than regular porn but in the court of public opinion he'd be screwed.
Add to that he's a scared kid who doesn't understand that at all and once he's gone through with robbing the

Yea it was an A from me as well, it's certainly the most I've been emotionally effected by Black Mirror and that's saying something.
Perhaps it's because I've seen operations by groups like Anonymous as they're happening and it all felt too real to me.
That kid watching as they left the hotel just drove home how an

It was.
More like that to break up the Killgrave arc would have meant less repetition, given them the chance to build up the word more and make shit feel more epic when she eventually had to stop dealing with other clients for the last three episodes to solely focus on Killgrave.
A lot of the episodes in the middle of

Yea Buffy basically nailed the episodic/over-arching-story mix 20 years ago so it can be done and there are show doing it right on but it seems like Netflix and other streaming providers prefer the "9 hour movie split up into episodes" approach.
I wonder if it somehow works out cheaper but it's not like JJ was lacking

Huh, I guess it might be a local thing then.
It's pretty easy to understand through context, same as "social group", "social bubble" or "social network" (although that last one could get confused with facebook, twitter, etc).
I would imagine someone with an MA would be able to figure it out, I'm hardly the most learned

Don't leave editors out when talking about great performances, what happens on set means nothing if they don't pick the right takes and get the timing right.
The editor could elevate a mediocre performances or ruin a great one.
The truth is film is a far more collaborative process than most people realize, espeailly the

I didn't think it was that jargon-y, maybe I move in pretentious circles but they're all words I hear regularly enough.
"Toxic social web" seems like an apt description of that set of characters, "Jessica's terrible friends and acquaintances" doesn't have the same ring to it and "basket of deplorables" was already