
Same argument could be made about people with autism. For a long time survival was based on strength, speed and then social ability to work as a tribe.
Now we live in an age were that's mostly unnecessary, so what we call 'autism' could just be the next evolutionary step.

I know many autistic people who would not refer to it as a 'disorder', for them it's just who they are and they're more than happy with it.
So I think it comes down to the individual.

"Asexuals! Fuck me."
You really don't understand them at all do you?

"It's a sad state of affairs when a movie gets pulled because it upsets a chubby dictator whose daddy never loved him."
That's the joke I was making. I guess sarcasm doesn't read on the internet.

I meant America generally, being from UK, I'm not a member of the country that pissed of North Korea with a silly movie that had swears and sex jokes.
It's also possible I'm being fatuous.

Well they're certainly the reason North Korea hates you.

Whovian's on first.

Bizarrely that's the exact episode I cite as when the show started to become great. Before that it was good but slightly generic 'Scrubs on a college campus'.
Different strokes I guess.

Why not both?
They let Harmon and Co. have free reign over the creative, which turned out great, but had control over the distribution platform, which they managed to completely fuck up.

What about the Sony leak or Wikileaks?
For better or worse leaked information is newsworthy, the Government can't (or rather shouldn't) stop news outlets reporting news and those outlets have a right to protect their sources.

But at the end of the play you both die far too young due to a comical miscommunication.

Surely that's an issue with the staff who leaked the information not those who distribute the information once leaked, by that point it's just news.
It's definitely a trade secrets issue not a copyright one. They just need to make the punishments high enough for those inside leaking the secrets for it not to be worth

Interesting points although I'm not sure 'comedic panel shows' fall under 'reality TV' unless you really stretch the definition of that label.
They certainly predate the 'reality TV' genre (they were radio shows before making the transition to TV).

I was really into Roald Dahl as a child so my dad started reading me Skin, a collection of his short stories but stopped midway through when he decided they were too adult.
I fondly remembered Lamb to the Slaughter for years after, in fact I was going to adapt it into a short film for my graduate project for university

What about Jewish children?

I saw my brother yesterday and he said it was great, didn't even know about any backlash against it except people complaining about the sexualisation of Harley Quinn.

The board game Trivial Pursuit stole a large number of it's questions from a quiz book. They were taken to court and admitted what they'd done but argued "fact aren't copyright" and the judge rules in their favour.
So I guess when I big company does it, it's fine.

Exactly. Otherwise writing a plot synopsis on wikipedia would be breaching copyright.
The truth is this isn't about copyright law at all, Youtube charge companies to join their Content ID System. If you don't like the way someone is using your content (regardless of if it's fair use) they'll take it down or monetize it

I mean I guess.
But I'm still not entirely sure about the link, there are gay sexual predators out there (many were members of the Catholic church), there are also straight sexual predators and monogamous rapists.
If anything polygamy is closer to monogamy than it is to polyamory.
Traditionally monogamy is owning one

The A.V. Club
Now this is Star Wars pedantry!