
I'm curious what the links to exploitation are? I've done a lot of reading on the subject and not come across anything.
Unless you're talking about polygamy and abusive men owning many wives, which I agree is an issue but worlds apart from a non-exclusive. consensual relationship.
I'm not sure what the verifiable and

I agree 100%.
I think the law that says you can't testify against your spouse should be lifted (not sure we even have it in the UK) and I completely agree with you on multi-spouse partnerships.
I have a feeling polyamorous marriage will be the next big social issue (after trans rights) and hopefully it's the wake-up

After seeing the header I thought:
"Mel Gibson has a really good look for an older action star, more so than Stallone or Willis. It's a shame he's Mel Gibson".

The A.V. Club
"You take everything so fuckin seriously."

"some oblivious but average civilian writing a song with some themes that aren't on the level with the times but not necessarily out of a conspired hatred for feminism."

I just wish Civil Partnerships would available for straight couples in the UK.
They give all the same legal benefits of marriage without any of the sexists traditions or expectations.
Civil Partnerships were invented as a "middle-ground" for gay couples before same-sex marriage was properly legalised her (which took far

I remember my dad signing a petition to convince BT to bring broadband to our town and that must have been around 12 years ago (so around the same time).
We moved from a town near London to a more remote area a couple of years prior and even at 10 years-old going from broadband back to dial-up was hard.
I don't think

It certainly is but I think it still has some visual and narrative similarities. In my mind Louie the king of the genre and arguably the originator, Master of None comes in second and takes the genre in an interesting direction.

I've been working on a parody in the back of my mind called "Self Titled Vanity Project", which would basically be a condensed version of all the tropes and shooting style of something like Maron, Louie, Master of None, etc…
But I haven't brought myself to write it because I like Louie so much.
I'd also need to find a

I liked everything I'd seen from her a lot and was excited to find out she'd appeared on Harmontown when catching up with that recently.
For some reason I wasn't taken with her on that either, which is odd because she's been great every time I've heard her on Bang Bang and her WTF interview.
Maybe her personality just

I'm always amazed when I hear how bad internet connections are in the US. I just assume that would be something you're good at, with the amount of streaming services that are geo-locked to your country you'd think you'd have a better way of accessing them.

Then you ruined it yourself.

No! Gif with a hard G for life.
If they wanted it to be pounced Jiff they should have called if it .jif and that's that.
P.S. It's also Lin-Ux not Line-Ex.

"Humans rejoicing in human death is a terrifying prospect."
I agree but there's a difference between 'rejoicing' and 'relief', especially if you're personally oppressed by someone.
I don't think death should ever be celebrated but there is sometimes solace to being taken in the fact that, no matter how horrible a person

I'm inclined to agree in regards to the Cap movies, I really like them too, but the 'genres' of those films are like 'flavors' of Ramen Noodles.
Winter Solider is as much a 70s thriller as Chicken Ramen Noodles are chicken.
It certainly has the flavor but no one is going to confuse it for the real thing and that's fine

Doubt anyone is still here but I'm editing an interview with Dave Franco promoting this film at work. Didn't realise it had been out in the US for a while.

This is true, doesn't the original Chinatown trailer give away the ending of that last scene? Or perhaps I saw a trailer that was edited later.

Obviously I wasn't talking about the current American justice system which is badly broken and needs to be fixed.
I'm just pointing out that your idea that you have to unquestioningly believe all accusations or you're disrespected the victim is equally problematic.

Maybe we're getting our wires crossed because we both have a different definition of "believe".
Obviously victims should be made to feel safe and respected and like their story is being taken seriously and not dismissed.
I wholeheartedly believe that but our justice system wouldn't work if our society automatically

"I don't think it's possible to be respectful to the victim without believing them."
Really? That just seems like such a false dichotomy to me I can't wrap my brain around it.
Do you apply the same logic to religious people, you have to believe their version of God exists or you're disrespecting them?
What if two people