
You don't think it's possible to be respectful to a victim without immediately condemning someone without evidence?

Why not both?
You can hope that victims aren't discredited and hope someone isn't condemned without evidence.

What even is the definition of "middle class", it not just seems like the catch-all phrase for anyone that's not obviously working class.
In my personal experience almost no one identifies as "upper class" that distinction is only for people richer than them.
I now class how rich someone is by the richness of the rich

Doesn't that also apply to almost all the HBO comedies and Netflix shows (technically we don't know BoJack Horseman's ethnicity but he's voiced by a white man).
I don't think the problem is with Amazon (or HBO or Netflix) but 'prestige' television as a genre.
It's television made for and about the rich.

You're not how puns work!!!!

Orange is the New Black!

Yea that's usually the case. I just wanted to check. I think he has one special on his website from Madison Square Garden that's old material but he released it with a pay-what-you-want pricetag.

Going to see Louie for the first time later this month, so expectations adjusted. Who was his opener and was it entirely new material?

But punching Jared Leto is fine?
Not disagreeing just asking.

"Blockbusters have literally never in the history of cinema been dumber and more identical to each other than they are right now."
Which is the point… They're dumb and identical in way that only has leading roles for white men.
There may be roles for women in other genres and mediums (still not equal to men) but

You sign on to the internet?

It all depends on the person. But I can completely empathize with @cinecraft:disqus that if you've hung out with a lot of people who have problems with alcohol, it would be hard to watch people who don't drink a lot.

"Alcoholism's just not a thing, for some people."
That is true but the flip-side is some people can getting addicted to alcohol really easily. It all depends on if you have an addictive personality.
This is why society really needs to start treating addiction as a medical problem and not a "bad decision".

If the BBC are smart they would have already recorded him reading an entire dictionary giving several inflections on each word so he can continue narrating forever.

That's an interesting point
A traditional interpretation of Harley should be portrayed as a villain, someone who deserves to be in Arkham (according to the logic of the Batman universe) but the writers could also treat the character with enough respect to make her a decent and interesting villain instead of solely a

"Murder is an empowerment narrative?"
It can be. Walter White's character becomes more empowered over the course of Breaking Bad.

No one is saying she does but the context of this conversation is Hollywood blockbusters. Putting the previous statements in context they're saying "[If she wants to have a successful career in blockbusters] she has to take these sorts of roles" .
Sure she could take a cashier job in Whole Foods instead but that's

"I don't know, I just feel like there are unwritten rules in the movie biz"
I work in TV and I agree that's partly true but I've not worked anywhere where Leto's alleged behaviour would be tolerated.

There is but I don't see how chasing contracts to forbid it would make a difference considering it's already forbidden.

Care to list what other roles in blockbusters for young women are going? If you're saying she has a choice what are her other choices?