
"It's like they invented a new "hard PG" rating, just for that one film"
They did the same for Fellowship of the Ring and then basically invented the 12A rating for Spider-Man.
The BBFC is definitely far from perfect and is certainly influenced by the studios more than I would like but from everything I've read it seems

Well no one 'has' to do anything, even continuing to eat and breath is a choose.
Obviously the post was within the context of working as a successful actress in Hollywood, in which case she does 'have' to.

The thing is there wouldn't even need to be a clause in his contract forbidding any of those things.
Any regular employment contract doesn't allow workplace harrasment not to mention you know… the law.
My contract doesn't specify I can't mail used condoms to my co-works but I would certainly loose my job if I did.

The Dark World should certainly been lower and I suspect it would have been had it been animated. I can't imagine how a live action superhero/fantasy film could be any more tame without venturing entirely into "kids film" territory.

Not to mention all the people who'll only vote Hillary to keep Trump out. Not sure how many of them there actually are but they seem to exist on the internet.

I choose The Dark World as it was the closest to PG out of all the Avengers films I can remember.
I honestly don't think the ratings board bother with any objective criteria any more, they just say "It's a live-action Marvel film, it get's a PG-13".
As far as I remember both Thor films (and Ant-Man) have about as much

I know you're joking but there's actually a good app called something like Splitabill that does all that for you.
You both put in everything you paid for and it works out who owes who what. It's great for splitting stuff with housemates but would work for dates as well.
Try living in a city as expensive as London and

What are the chances of their ever being a competitor to the MPAA in America?
It's a free country after all and as far as I know it's optional for theatres to follow the MPAAs ratings.
Some competition could be healthy.

Oh god the horror!

You also have to remember a lot of those earlier films with brief nudity were from an age before home viewing were people couldn't pause the films or replay certain scenes.
Not to mention now with CGI it's easier to remove brief 'accidental' nudity than ever before.
Not that I agree with the current rules just offering

What's weird is a similar thing has happened in the UK (with 12A all by replacing PG), which is stupid because there's a big difference between something like The Hunger Games and Thor: The Dark World for instance, but the ratings don't reflect that.
Also you can't blame the BBFC on being "owned" by the studios

Welcome to the world of memes.
Seriously the amount of memes I see posted on Facebook (from both genders) are shockingly regressive.
I saw one with the text "only a true gentlemen will see what's wrong with this picture" and it was a couple walking together with the woman on the curb-side of the road (shocking!).

It's technically still a double standard to the detriment of women though. The assumption is that the man is the "provider" and many men won't let women split the check.
I think it's fairest to split the check or base it on disposable income but certainly not gender roles.
My girlfriend and I tend to alternate, on

clever or amusing

"Ah but you see. Killing stuff just because you can is bad. Using them afterwards like paper/wood for trees and food for animals/plants is perfectly fine."
What? I seriously don't understand this point. So is it okay to kill a tree for paper or not?
You know we don't wait for trees to die "naturally" right? We chop them

"I like animals and trees and I don't kill them because I feel like it. I
leave that stuff alone because we all can just get along."
So you don't use paper? Or eat vegetables?
Or do you way up the 'life' of that tree against your desire to send something in an envelope? Much like a woman might way up the 'life' of a

But after he looses the election. Don't want to make him a martyr to all the bigots out there.

I remember seeing that interview with Jeselnik on youtube a few months ago and thinking the quote made a lot of sense. Surprised it wasn't a bigger story before now.

Jesus Christ. I swear I'm typing it correctly and auto-correct is screwing with me.
Kick kick kick.
Okay so it's not doing it now.

It's called Suicide Girls and it's been around for a while.