
I spent to long trying to thing of a porn-pun name for Matthew Vaughn and came up empty.
And no it's not a real film (to my knowledge), I meant to type Kick Ass.

"Trust me it get's better" is a misleading phrase even when it's technically correct.

Agree on your ranking of the Fast and Furious film. I didn't think there were many others out there who rated Tokyo Drift higher than the original.
It's been a long time since I've seen it but I'd probably place it ahead of 6 and behind 7 (although I had to use google to remember which was which).

Haha. Much like Deadpool that film also contains pegging.

That's interesting I found almost all of those things to be true in reverse (except the romance - maybe).
Different strokes I guess.
I seriously thought Deadpool was going for quantity over quality with jokes, they had two "you look like a [blank] had sex with a [blank]" jokes in the same scene</b,>

"During the time between the egg and sperm meet to the moment you "Kill Dat Fetus", it is growing."
So what? Lots of things grow, trees grow, fish grow, bacteria grow. All of those things are "alive" too but we're perfectly happy to stop them being alive if it makes our lives easier.
Why is a clump of cells in a uterus

One other person is typing…

You should show that part of you Kiss Ass. It's the same but better.

No they don't, not after you abort them.
That's kind of the point of abortions.
Abortions would be a lot less popular if the baby kept growing after it was aborted.

"It is a known fact that babies grow in the womb"
Not if you abort them. Only un-aborted babies grow in the womb, the aborted ones just decompose.
Problem solved.

He's been married what, three times now?
He doesn't have any kids so it's entirely plausible he's been through all this before which would make his decision making even more efficient.

I assume it's just a standard spiel the doctor's recounting, I interpreted it as them not being completely sure about human physiology.

That's like saying "That baby is still an old man, it just hasn't grown old yet". It's crazy-town logic.

Well considering she has an adopted brother I think we can assume she has but choose not to go through with the pain of child birth because she didn't want to.

"Because then it's just a one sided attack?"
Nooo…. It's a TV plotline.
I a show does an addiction plotline and fail to include the benefits of recreational drugs would that be a one sided attack? No it would be a plotline on a television show.
This just in: A story doesn't have to equally cater to everyone's views.

"I agree, on the grounds that it makes no sense to parody one's own position"
Unless it gets you a number one single chitches!
She's not trying to promote "her" side or avoid giving the other side ammo, she's just trying to make money and if it happens to help people along the way than so be it (she basically states

Technically it's just one thing: control.

(The second one you're thinking of might be Titan AE.)
You're probably right. I remember being really excited for that film before it came out but don't actually remember anything about to, except possibly a planet called "bob" which I remember thinking was a lame joke at the time (that might have been Treasure Planet

Didn't Joss Whedon do some re-drafting work on both of those or was it just Atlantis?

I did I little google earlier today and couldn't find anything. It's a plausible rumour because Disney have been fighting to retain copy of the character over the last 14 years and the timing sort of matches up.
But I've yet to find any 'evidence'. Fun theory though.