
Yea I really vividly remember those trailers from my childhood. I remember being confused when the film had nothing to do with them.
I thought it was going to be a time-travel caper with Stitch causing havoc in each of these existing film, young-me had a very active imagination based on a few short teasers.

I remember that. My dad took me and said it was based on the Ridley Scott film (which I hadn't seen at the time) I remember the design looking very Alien-esque but it was too long between going on the ride and seeing the film to make any kind of comparison.

I did not know about that Stich/Mikey Mouse fact. Cool.

For some reason I was convinced this season only had 11 episodes. You can't imagine how relieved I was when that "next episode" button popped up.

Yea I just watched the whole season in 4 days and just realized it wasn't even that.
It's nice being ahead of the reviews for once.

I mean technically it's the "most realistic" Batman but that means basically nothing.

Yea but it implied it was obscure, "have you seen?" Of course they've seen it! It's a cultural icon and even if they hadn't they'd get the reference even a 13 year-old kid would get that.
You wouldn't say "You know that old actor… Charlie Chaplin? You have a similar mustache" you'd just say "You have a Charlie Chaplin

That's interesting because throughout the whole film I was rooting for 'pro registration' side but you're right 'in-universe' they did have the characters make any compelling points in favour. In the end Tony's motivations seemed to be a mixture of guilt and trying to win Pepper back as apposed to any kind of

Exactly. I can't imagine any kid today thinking Starwars would be an obscure reference, it totally screams "adult who's never spent an extended period of time with a 13 year-old imagining what they would say".

I feel like I'm gonna get judged for not really enjoying it all that much. It had some really fun parts but also some tonal issues and all the tropes I'm starting to hate about the Marvel film franchise.

That line really bugged me for some reason. I think on a comic page it would work but it didn't flow when spoken aloud,
Spidey was the best thing in that film though.

They're not in that short supply. Usually the niche is filled with a Liam Neeson flick are the latest Bond. There's usually a couple of year which is probably all there's a market for.
Except when I'm staying with him, my dad doesn't got to the cinema more than once/twice a year. Despite working near one that only

I like the series enough (I've seen them all at least once) and I'd say that description is fair.
Can you point to any moments of Jason Borne's levity in the films?

You're dead right about it being a dad-action movie. On the surface it appears more "serious" and "mature" than a superhero flick or Fast and Furious film but really it's just the same thing.
No shade, I like the first three films well enough and I'm sure I'll see this.

Weird it's all over the UK, you literally can't go anywhere in London without seeing it in Tube stations, billboards or on the side of busses.
Or are you being sarcastic?

Glad to see so much love for the first film. I'd always assumed I was the only one with a soft spot for it but I guess that's not the case.
I think the story and character stuff is certainly stronger whereas the next two films are more visceral action. I've not seen the fourth Bourne-without-Bourne but I might check it

No, I bet they're even in denial about it though. They never call it by name and also claim its an accent.
"She put it on as a joke and I was just joking and it just slipped it"

Hey! The AV Club aren't the real anything.

Man that seems SO fast. Maybe it's because I only started paying attention with the New 52 and it doesn't seem that long since then. But I feel like I just got used to the last logo (they only used it on like 3 live-action films right?).
Is this what being old feels like?

You take that back about Terriers/Cougar Town/Don't Trust the B— in Apt 23/Seflie*!!!