
I've heard this argument before "if the writing is good the visuals don't matter" but if the visually really didn't matter then it would just be a radio play or a novel.
Film and television are visual mediums of course visuals matter, maybe not more than story but certainly a lot.
It better just be temp footage, I've

Actually he went to film school and while there did a couple of small roles to pay rent, using his appearance on Cougar Town as his showreel.

Fortunately the uploaded the entire opening scene online so I didn't need to see the rest of the film.
Still haven't, although I've re-watched that introduction a lot.

Have DC changed their logo again already???
I swear it wasn't that long since the last re-branding.

It's something about his make-up that just makes him seem silly to me, he'd actually be scarier without it.
Edit: Maybe that's why they put it on, to keep this flick all-ages and no giving the little kiddies Mikkelsen Nightmares.

Tilda Swinton (as David Bowie) first.

Doctor Sherlock doing a poor imitation of Doctor House doing an imitation of a Texan Doctor.

Technically she was around in season five. Just for one episode with Spencer.

"Moore's being incredibly disingenuous when he acts surprised at readers interpreting that as rape"

I agree with almost all of that. I was just responding to the false assertions that "countries with hate speech laws throw people in jail for disagreeing with the government".
There are plenty of other countries with 'hate speech' laws you can look at if you wanted to do more research (Australia, Canada, Denmark, New

I never said "it's working because we're more tolerant", I said "having hate speech laws doesn't automatically make a country intolerant to religion" which is the assertion I was replying to.
Also, I know it's a semantic point but it wasn't "the majority of people" who voted to leave the EU it was only the majority of

"The countries you're talking about also throw people in jail for disagreeing with the government or practicing the wrong religion"
I agree with the general diction of this thread but that's just not true at all, in the UK 'Hate Speech' is illegal and we're as tolerant (if not more tolerant) as the US of people's

I've seen a lot of people posting about this recently, probably because it's just come to Netflix, which is why I started watching.
It would be cool to get a discussion thread going but I have no idea how to do that. Are people still active in the comments on the episode reviews?
I don't know why I'm asking you like

I didn't realise that was the reason Spectacular Spider-Man died and it makes me like ASM even less.
Which is a shame because I really wanted it to succeed and after the shakey start of the first film I thought they could build something good out of it going forward.
Sadly that didn't happen.

He's also based off a real life person in case you didn't know, named Alastair Campbell who was pretty notorious for his langue (although he was certainly not the consultant).
There's a video of him watching In The Loop on youtube which you can easily find if you're interested, some of Tuckers lines are direct quotes.

I just got that in the steam sale so I now look forward to starting it even more. I just need to find the time, I don't like pausing in the middle of episodes.

"The fact that there were two DRAMATICALLY different endings was a definite point in its favor, but that's about it."
Where there? I'll have to look that up. The ending I got seemed so generic I assumed it was the only one save for slightly different narration at the end.

I think they just decided "interactive animation" was the direction they wanted to go. I don't mind either way, although those puzzles did extend the play-time of those episodes a little.

Perfect description, the first season of The Walking Dead tried some pixel-hunting / classic point-and-click adventure game mechanics but they seem to be moving away from that.

Depends what you mean by "matter". Wold Among Us and Walking Dead season 1 seemed to have a lot of branching pathways and I felt like a lot of my choices had an impact on the ending.
Game of Thrones was probably the only big let down in terms of interactivity. I'm about to start Tales from Borderlands and have high