
He's terrified by addictive sex.

You raise a good point.
I guess it just depends on your age, budget and how much you value your time. When I was in university I'd go to the cinema in the middle of the day with the purpose of killing time so a film would have to be really bad to walk out.
I'm also more selective with what I pay to see, so I'm unlikely

Not to mention YOU have to pick the place you want to see blown up, so it's not like anyone can randomly stumble upon it.

I guess it depends on how much disposable income you have. I'm not sure about the US but here you can't get a refund just because you don't 'like' the film.
And I'm not syncing £10 into something and then abandoning it.

You mean he played a farting horse boner…. Like a flute.

It's amazing that viewers managed to even find the disconnected channels back then. It says a lot about how much smaller youtube was.
Today I feel like they'd have to make it obvious from the start which channels were "playing" otherwise no one would ever find them.

This is certainly a good time to do it, with more platforms than when the show originally 'aired' there's even more options for interactivity.
Snapchat is great because it's instant and there's a time limit on when you can watch it, giving everything a sense of immediacy and a sense of victory in seeing a snapchat as

You mean alleged behaviour? And no one is ignoring it either, considering it's come up in this conversation several times. I'm not saying he's definitely innocent or guilty (he's Schrodinger's Pervert).
But surely you must a agree that saying "Hey look over here someone finally asked Luis CK about those serious rape

Not to mention the fact that videos were posted across several youtube accounts (right? I'm not misremembering that am I?) so watching it in order now would be almost impossible.

I love Coldplay!

Was he walking around with pool balls just so he could do that?! I think he was literally walking around with them like a prop to use. That's like a $25 bit…. ITS NOT EVEN GOOD!

Setting it up a bit too much perhaps. I hope they go somewhere more interesting with that footage.

The down side of this particular series I think is that it's almost impossible to "catch-up on". You really had to be a part of it at the moment, going back and digging up old videos would be a bit like reading random passages from a choose-your-own adventure book out of order.

Anyone remember the UK spinoff called KateModern? Or the attempted second season LG15: The Resistance? I think they did a few more seasons after that with diminishing returns.

"both Age of Ultron and Civil War were so aggressively average I don't know how many of the upcoming ones I'm going to care about."

I keep thinking I haven't seen the last two Harry Potter films when I have on DVD. I think 5 was the last one I saw in the cinema and regretted it.
That series peaked at Azkaban, that an Goblet are probably the only ones I'd re-watch by choice to be honest.

"Kids don't care about or understand most of the stuff in Pixar's movies"
100% agree!
I was just saying in another thread that I didn't really get into most Pixar films until I was older. As a kid I just felt like they weren't 'meant' for me and the adults watching were getting more out of them than I was.
Monsters Inc

That was my favorite of their films as a kid as well. I think I liked the lack because it was just 'fun' and didn't spend as much time trying to tug on the heart strings, which I didn't really care for as a kid.
I've began to enjoy Pixar films more as I've got older but I think if anything they're too targeted at older

I don't know. I always had that reading of the film as a kid and that's why I could never enjoy it. I always related to Syndrome because, despite being made into the villain, he had the philosophy I could most relate to (making everyone equal).
I would have preferred it if that narrative of that film was flipped and we

Then you have BAD taste.