
name one depiction of a cool lesbian - not a sexual object - just an awesome character.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Tara or Willow.
Orange is the New Black - Take your pick

I'll probably do that, jump ahead to the last 3 before starting season 4.
I don't really like to do it (I prefer to watch a show properly or not all) but right now my time is limited and I've got so much to catch up.

I mean the plot line of who was going to look after Daya's baby, I guess they all tend to blend together in my mind. Did they really stop Daya plot line when the guard left? I was actually semi-interested in how all that resolved.

Not with the internet my dear friend. You don't need to buy anything ever again.

Yup. Any time it get's boring or has passing problems the defence "hah you dumb dumbs just don't understand CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT".
Because apparently character development is only possible if all pacing grinds to a stand still and the narrative goes in circles.

"if people weren't too keen on season 3, it might be because character development is boring to some"
I've heard the same defence for The Walking Dead. I don't buy it.

"The biggest problem with season three's "lack of action" is that because of it, some of the more sitcom-like plots that took center stage"
Exactly! It almost made prison seem fun, which kind of undercuts the politics and message of the previous two seasons.
The question is: Can I skip it? Or skip ahead to the final 2

Same. I remember the fan fiction plot-line and panty business. Was the baby plot line in season 3 as well?

I wouldn't call the panty plot-line or Crazy Eye's fan fiction 'character development' (no more than what we got in previous seasons).
Honestly I just thought season 3 lost must of the show's bite and felt like the writers were too pleased with themselves.

Got bored mid-way though season 3 (which is odd considering how much I loved 1&2).
Is it worth finishing or should I jump ahead?

"The first suicide attempt is just a Hydra goon trying to keep their
secrets, like something out of a Bond film. Not really dark."
Still dark compared to the silliness of that airport fight (which was basically a live-action cartoon in the best way).
Then there's the funeral and the terror attack on the UN, it's all

Teti's mom has got it going on. She's all I want and I've waited so long.

"no one's actually trying to hurt the other side."
Except Captain America, who walks away from a young teenage boy currently being by debris.
The light-heartedness of the airport scene wasn't a problem for me (it was my favorite part of the film) it was the somber tone of everything else that didn't work.

The A.V. Club
Basic [Bitches]

"This is stupid and disgusting, change it!"
— My mother at the moment of my birth

The AV Club
It could be worse

I believe you can check, just find the right episde of one of his old Channel 101 shows… If you wanted to.

Yes. I swear I clicked the right button.
I blame Disqus!

It's not exactly what I want from Doctor Who either but I don't hate it when I get it.
I do also like a stern, alien version of the Doctor. The episode definitely went too far in that direction but it was a nice change than what we'd seen with Tennant and Smith.
I think I just found it refreshing to see unrepentantly

Just once I'd like to see a drama where the conspiracy doesn't go all the way up to the top.