
Turns out the answer is "because that's not the question they asked".

Yea that's the first part of the article I jumped to when I read it and it's the first time I've been this annoyed/disappointed in The AV Club.
Am I wrong in thinking they clearly deliberately mislead their audience into thinking he was talking about a different (far more sensitive and lurid) subject?
That's pretty

With the Moffat era I do sometimes forget this intended to be a popular tea-time family show.
Not sure that's a bad thing though, I'd be less interested in it if it was.

Yes! I don't mind quirky, I don't mind fun, I don't even mind the occasional bit of camp or silliness but I can't stand zany.
No farting aliens!

He says "shut-ity up" which is quite a starch from"fuck-ity bye" but they tried (whatever that's worth).

I don't agree with your assessment of the episode (or season) but do agree with how the moral conundrum was handled.
The characters certainly are both unforgivable assholes, I personally didn't mind that though.

"basic knowledge of physics" is something best put to one side when watching Doctor Who or Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

It's not that bad. I know people didn't like the moon egg plot point but aside from that all the character and dialogue stuff was good and the visuals and actions.
Love & Monsters and In the Forest of the Night were far worse.

Not sure if you're trolling but Dan certainly didn't fire him, if anything the opposite is true.
After their altercation, Dan was the one to get fired. I doubt Harmon had the power to fire him as he didn't want to hire him in the fire place.

The only solution is to get better friends.
I've spent months of my life working on a no-budget pilot that we're currently pitching around (shhh!) and I can't bring myself to consider the fact that one day it might get broadcast and most people will watch it on badly calibrated TVs and all my hard work grading will be

What's terrible is that's not how the director (or DoP or editor) intended it to look.
It's adding all kinds of motion smoothing and sharpening and saturation to make it look '"better"' when they should be trying to make it look as close to the source material as possible.
It enrages me no end that the professionals

I'd argue it doesn't make sense even if you don't think about it.
For the plot to make sense you'd have to disconnect your brain to the point you couldn't understand English or stop yourself shitting your pants.

I predicted it would be Dave Franco's character (the only one of the horseman with a low profile at the start) after he supposedly 'died' but immediately rejected that for being to smart and went back to assuming it would be Mark Ruffalo or Morgan Freeman (they both make as little since).

That's just one of his magic powers. They can turn into water of money.

I just watched it and I'm really annoyed how offensively stupid it is. It would be a lot more fun if it wasn't trying to be so clever.
I actually went back and watch that shot where they jump off the building and turn into money frame by frame and they actually jump off the building and turn into money. There's no

No that was my conclusion from stuff she told me and stuff I read her so I guess I'm the one with an… active imagination.
I heard the book fell into the trope of desexualising disabled bodies so I figured they didn't have sex. My comparison was more because of the narrative structure:
1. Middle income female

I also liked them referring to London in 'blocks', saying "he's two blocks east!", that means literally nothing in this city.

Is it even supposed to be your name in cursive? Mine is just the letter A, a wiggly line and some random letters towards the end (I won't say which).
I find signatures a pretty stupid security measure considering they're written on the back of your bank card (the only time I use them) I'd rather just have a PIN number.

I was on your lawn after flunking the Navy. Get off my college!

True that, but you don't need to worry until you can feel your heart vibrate.