
Yes in the UK we have something called Bupa (don't care to look up how to spell it), it's private insurance you can get in the UK.
Although I've heard some doctor's work for both the NHS and Bupa, so it essentially work as a cue-skip which some people think is unethical. I will admit I'm not entirely sure how it works

All the makes sense, until you look at it in the context of a story written by an able-bodied person. It isn't a disabled person making the choice to kill themselves it's an able-bodied person (the author) making them make that decision.
Clearly the author knew that able-bodied people shouldn't assume they know what

"The awful people in the rest of the world understand that healthcare is a necessity, even if they hate some of the fuckers they have to share space with."
Yes! This so much!
You've basically summed up the majority of the British public's feelings towards the NHS.

"But wouldn't it be logical for me to favor legislation to tell you how to behave?"
I live in the UK, we have what I assume you would call a "single payer systems", my mum complains all the time about other people's life choices putting a strain on the NHS ("should smokers be allowed public funded cancer treatment?").

Everyone seems to have much darker readings of this special and Bo's work in general.
Maybe it's because I have a similar outlook on life and see a lot of myself in him (albeit he's far more talented) but I don't see any of his work as a 'cry for help' or 'process of grief'.
I think he's just a guy in his 20s telling

I'm certainly not defending them (I've yet to see the film or read the book to form a complete opinion) but to me it seems like they weren't setting out to portray a "message", it doesn't seem like didactic cinema, I think they wanted to make some profitable misery porn and they didn't think about the consequences of

I agree with a lot of these comments that it's messed up but not the "that's a messed up message to put in your movie".
I mean, I doubt they created the film as a vehicle for this message, I doubt they thought about the "message" at all. Saying they "put" it there implies it was in some way deliberate, when it's just

That would actually be a better narrative though, it would have some tension about whether or not she'd get caught and I doubt the narrative wouldn't condone her actions.

My girlfriend just informed me "He's 35 and actually he was a very sporty person before the accident".
So he has his reasons.

My girlfriend saw the poster and decided to read the book, from everything I've heard it just seems like 50 Shades of Grey with quadriplegia instead of BDSM.

You jest but sometimes it is.
If there wasn't a story or anything else of interest then yes I guess I would prefer starring at 40-foot pretty people than 40-foot non-attractive people but with a down-to-earth character drama an "average" looking cast tends to help add realism.

In a tank, it has to be a monkey in a tank,

"I think it's a little funny that the podcast gets like ~200,000 listeners each week and the show is lucky to get a quarter of that."
Yea it's weird but I guess it's just show difference between the formats and their audience. At work I edit youtube videos that get over 100,000 views (it's a daily channel) so it's

How do you listen to it out of curiosity? I have an hour commute to and from work so the podcast is perfect (it could stand to be a bit longer actually).
I don't think I would listen to a podcast if it was shorter than 45 minutes because it's too hard to fit into my schedule, I'd have to save up a couple of binge them.

"83,000 viewers"
Is that a typo? I know the show is niche but how does it even survive with that few viewers? How can they afford to keep the lights on, Scott said on the podcast they're going to stop producing DVDs too so the DVR and streaming numbers must be insane to cover the costs.

Last season was 40 episodes! It's barely worth having season breaks at that point.

Now that I have seen it, honestly I can say I'm a little disappointed. Certainly not the worst film in the franchise but, outside of one out-standing and adventurous Quicksilver sequence, it does absolutely nothing new or interesting.
It manages to spend a lot of time doing nothing, setting up characters and plot

That was the episode I showed to my housemate to get him into the show. He's seen the pilot and wasn't too interested so I skipped ahead to that one so he's know the journey was worth.
Obviously he knew it was coming on re-watch but it still hit him like a tonne of bricks.

I thought the same thing.
I was laughing at the end that they gave that poor child actor the monumental task of segwaying from "hold the door" to "Hodor" They tried to plaster it with music and quick cutting back and forth but it still didn't really work.
It really spoiled the moment for me and I wish they hadn't done

Made even weirder by the fact that I at they scripted season 2 to compensate for the fact that the original ending of season 1 never aired. Meaning the show will never make compete sense no matter what order you watch it.