
After being sightly disappointed by Civil War and not huge expectations for Doctor Strange I honestly am I expecting this to be my favourite Superhero film of the year.
I feel like the X-Men franchise tends to get lost in the hype between the MCU and DCU but like you said it's had a consistently high quality.

Can I just reply with a picture of Donald Trump or should I go straight for Godwin's law?
But seriously, we're talking about a private platform here, they can promote whatever views they like. It's not like they're Fox News, promoting themselves with the tagline "Fair and Balanced".

I thought it was the Necronomicon.

The A.V. Club
"a snark-laden review from someone who took the movie way too seriously."

"Add a sassy black woman to the photo above, and it essentially is Community."
So was season 4 but we all know there's a big difference between "essentially" Community and the real thing.

I would say Guardians of the Galaxy is the only one to give it a run for it's money in that regard.

I made this point to my dad last time I saw him. He was on the "Trainspotting should be banned" train when it came out but he's never seen the film and since then he's become a massive fan of Breaking Bad.
I was trying to convince him that the film wasn't "glorifying" at all.

Yay! More dead animals for me to fuck.

^ This.
Although I came of age in the 00s but England was still pretty behind on importing American culture and proms had only just started to become a thing over here (neither of my parents had a 'prom').
I think most people went but I was so out of the loop by that point I genuinely don't know, people would have been

Do you live in an American teen drama? You're stories seems like something from ABC (or FX if you play up the sad stories and the sex).

"Tuxedos are the worst scam of all time.
I guess you've not had to rent a graduation hat and gown (in the UK they can run you around £100/$150)

I didn't go to prom.
Does that make me cool?

Sounds like an improvement.

That was my attitude in school (this is The AV Club there are probably a lot of us).
When I realized I was going to get beat up no-matter-what I really had no incentive to conform.

In fact, the same people are still bullies and jocks, they just use different words and attack you for not caring about different things.
The definition of 'cool' has changed but there's still just as much pressure to be 'cool' and just as much bullying of the 'uncool'.

Hey maybe your public hand-holding gave them the courage they needed.

Haha, I completely agree I wasn't calling you out or anything just offering an alternative opinion to the "born that way" slogan (although it does apply to many people). Maybe the saying should be "You're either born that way or you're not - either way it doesn't effect my life and is none of my business (unless I'm

No worse… They're going to become gay themselves and have gay-babies. Soon straight people will be extinct!

Exactly. I'm still don't completely agree with the "born that way" slogan.
If it helps people I think that's great for them but I know it doesn't apply to everybody and besides shouldn't we accept people even if it was a choice?

I hate to over-complicate things but when I was younger I 'knew' I was straight, it just felt like who I was.
As I got older there wasn't a big change but ever-so-slightly feelings have orientation has shifted slightly.
I don't think younger-me was lying or "hadn't discovered himself", I think you can just become a