
It all works as a stand-alone narrative, knowing the references adds a particular type of enjoyment but I think not knowing them would add something as well.
I would love to be able to see it as a child without any previous knowledge of the franchise and have all that fantastic mythology ready for me to dive

That's true to a point but I think the spectacle and the musical ques did enough of a job making us care a little.
I know modern watching modern blockbusters can make you numb to seeing whole cities totally ruined but I still think there was something dramatic about watching members of the

I even think the Luke thing will be fine for a new viewer. I went to a midnight screening with a group of friends, one of which only had a passing knowledge of the films (he'd seen bits of Episode 4 & 6) and he understood everything.
All that really matters is that Ray finds the person she's been looking

(spoilers and predictions)
I agree, which is why I don't think he's going to be one. They made him too sympathetic and a little bit pathetic, I was actually rooting for him in some scenes.
My prediction is he'll basically be Zuko from The Last Airbender and he'll join our heroes either at the end of the next film or the

I felt that was very similar Alderaan being destroyed in a lot of ways, both were glossed over more than they should have been.
I felt, although the film owed a lot to the structure of A New Hope, the ending felt most like Empire Strikes Back albeit a little more positive.

What else are you supposed to jizz into?

Ironically all this effort to take yourself off the grid probably caused the NSA to flag you for extra surveillance.

Glad so many people, like me, went in totally blind. It was such a pleasant surprise.

To be fair prostitutes who don't strip is a niche fetish.

But everyone was 11…

I read the Pillowman cover to cover when I couldn't sleep one night… It didn't help with the lack of sleep.
I was totally gripped though and it had a list of the original cast in the front which included (if I remember correctly) David Tennant and Jim Broadbent I would have loved to see that production.

Yea I'm not knocking it.
Nathan For Your has a different type contributors (everyday people not celebrities and politicians) to Brass Eye so it would be a lot more mean if he tricked them in the same way.
Nathan For You always gives me the awkward humor cringe-factor without feeling guilty afterwards, perhaps it's also

You do. It's a shame the Yahoo Screen player is a big ol' pile of balls, which sadly makes it harder to see than when it was on NBC.

I wouldn't put it in the top 10 personally but it should be in the top 40.

Maybe it's just me but I think I that whole intro is really sweet. Perhaps I find robot-people soothing.

Justin Lin directing though. Somehow that bit of information escaped me and now I have a reason to be interested in it.
Not sure his shooting style really suites Star Trek but I don't really care at this point.

In fact that scene from Better Call Saul prompted me to have this exact conversation with my parents, their views were… not progressive.
My mum actually said "But if they're the kind of women who sleep with someone just because they think he's famous don't they deserve to be tricked?".
The woman who raised me said

It depends on the law, personally I would say that situation is enough (if the person being a banker was critical to the other person's decision making then that's a big enough deception) .
I read somewhere that lying about your finical situation is not enough to be prosecuted, in some places the law is so out-of-date

I mean if they spent that money on educating people then people would be smart enough to know lottery was a suckers game, and it wouldn't make any more money.
It's in the self-interest of the lottery to not spend that money on education.

So I guess it would be a bad idea to spend that money on educating people then.