
I have an actor friend who showed me a casting call for one of those ads that use actors to play "real people".
It was very cleverly worded to say something along the lines of:
"looking for attractive, 20-35 female who uses [product] to talk about the benefits of [product]. Specifically how it does [selling point]. You

Yea I saw that in the article, but the legal problem would be the fact that the person she's agreeing to kiss is Nathan (in make-up) not the person who actually kisses her.
That's assuming she's not in on it by the time the kiss finally happens.

They're not actors dude.
They're certainly more in on the joke than the show implies but they're not actors.

No but you'd allow him to drop you off in the desert for a TV show before you're whisked away to a hotel near the production office (maybe even the producer's house if they're strapped for cash).
They can't risk you running way / getting lost before they've completed the episode.

There's definitely behind the scenes things. Remember everyone who appears on camera has to sign release forms and they never show that unless it's part of the joke.
Producers are everywhere and will explain everything after the camera cuts. No one making the program wants to get sued.
Everything is constructed in the

(at least, based on the information given to us during the episode)
I really think that just comes down to editing. Not to spoil the fun, but knowing quite a bit about the behind-the-scnes of TV and how much paperwork has to get done and how many release forms have to be signed, the shows has to be more controlled and

Wait… In the episode or now?

Yea, I get annoyed when most of the money from those campaigns get's "reinvested" into next years awareness campaign.
All you're actually doing is creating jobs for people to run international events, people donate to the "awareness organizations" not the actually the charities that help.
But if you point this out

I've not seen the episode yet but reading the description that sounds pretty creepy.
I mean some places have rape-by-fraud laws which mean you can't pretend to be someone else (your twin brother for example) in order to get sex. This doesn't appear to be that but it's in the same ballpark.
Of course, I find most things

That was a good option too, although I'm only three episodes into that so it seemed unfair to give it my vote.

I went for all of those except 'Best Show', which I had a lot of trouble deciding, but went with Master of None in the end (there's definitely something I liked better but I panicked in the moment).

That always seemed like a hard one from the start because they made it out to be such a big, important part of the mythology but obviously it has to remain in canon with the (book/TV) series and obviously none of these new characters are going to cross-over so I think they did the best they could.
It pretty much was

I should keep that in mind and give it a play next. I just finished their Game of Thrones game and while I found it uneven in parts and probably the least engrossing of their series that I've played I thought it redeemed itself with the final episode.

The Doctor's first line after he regenerates into Tilda Swinton "How do you play this thing?"

Yea, that reveal was the most disappointing thing about the episode, not the Doctor being half-human again (I can deal with that) but suddenly becoming "the chosen one" instead of just some guy who stole a TARDIS and run away.
I much prefer him as any every-man (or every-time-lord) than some cosmic hero.

I'm starting to really dislike his "mind-palace" thing that he introduced in Sherlock and has now found it's way into Doctor Who.
I'll forgive it in this episode but it really is a case of "tell don't show", it's like he's thought of a really brilliant, complex idea but it's so brilliant and complex the only way he can

That's true, TV is certainly doing better than the film counterparts
I have some theories as to why that is but they're too long to go into in the comments. In general you get more, better-rounded female characters on the small-screen.

I believe it was Ilana from Broad City who said "All media is porn and all porn is kiddie porn"

That would be an accurate headline, not sure what that says about out generation but advertisements have always had a huge impact on culture. Why do you think people buy diamond engagement rings?

Sadly (as different as they are) there's only two of them. It would be nice to have even more female heroes filling in the middle of the spectrum.