
"People nowadays also really really like to watch videos of people making cutesy appetizers and deceptively complicated desserts, but no one actually makes them."
Yea… Food porn is like regular porn.
I worked for a company that made online cooking videos, we didn't even put the quantities in the video.
It would just have

He did but he's finished it now, you can buy an omnibus that's been translated into English but some aspects are slightly dated. It started off good but by the second half they cut down on the amount of violence and incest and it jumps-the-shark.

Well you'd play it out without the Doctor ever coming face to face with Clara, she'd always be manipulating things from the background, protecting him without him even knowing.
Of failing that, stick her in a mask.
Also the episode showed the First Doctor meeting Clara so that problem already exists.

Actually I was just thinking about it again and the Great Intelligence jumps into The Doctor's time-stream first, doesn't he?
So Clara was just undoing the impact HE had on the Doctor's timeline, seeing her in all those old clips was just a visual metaphor for all the times she was there stopping the Great Intelligence

I think you'll find that was the "Jesus" pose before it was the "regeneration" pose.
It's no coincidence they used it for both, in the Doctor's case he was going to rise again and in Clara's she was sacrificing her life for that of an innocent.
Religious symbolism all round!

"This was just kind of meaningless. No guts, no glory"
That's why I LOVED it and disagree on the "yawns" part.
For once it wasn't an overly grandiose or epic death, a character just made a stupid mistake and died (like real people would in this scenario).
It's also why I'm sure she's not gone, there's no way Moffat

The problem I have with Doctor Who plots like this that all build to one reveal at the end is that everything before that can feel like filler.
Everything about finding "trap streets" and the murder mystery itself were just a plan to get the Doctor there, so it all feels a bit pointless.
It wasn't as bad as Name of the

Someone pointed out that Clara was doing the "regeneration" pose and I think Jesus did it first.
I'm sure they thought they were so clever when they came up with that "Get it??? Because he's coming back from the dead… Like a certain Jesus".

I think she succeeded in saving him all those times but did it entirely behind the scenes without him noticing. Thus retconning every Doctor Who plot-line up until Night of The Doctor, but the rest of your synopsis seems correct.
However the fact that we disagree about the entire resolution of the mystery after it was

Well yea, she's not "impossible" any more. That part of per plot-line was explained and now she's just human (which meant they focused on actually fleshing-out and exploring her character).
But my money is on her turning out to be "the hybrid" by the end of this season.

Calling it now:
Clara is the hybrid somehow!
There's no way Moffat would let someone else write the last on-screen appearance of one of his companions and I while this was one of my favorite ending for a companion because it wasn't overly grandiose or "epic" (she died because she made a stupid mistake) this is Doctor

Sadly not.
I almost certainly I edited it pre-youtube and since then lost the copy, I was literally a child at the time so I'm sure anyone could re-do it incredibly easily.

I remember doing that fan edit as a child (before I knew what a fan edit was), somehow I worked out of after I ripped the DVD that I could fit the entire film on a CD (playable on a DVD player) if I cut it down to around an hour.
So I made Obi-Wan's tale in Windows Movie Maker using the default wipe transitions between

That's a good point, although I think the trend right now is to introduce genre bleeding to Superhero films.
There have been a few statements from people at Disney to that effect, Captain America: Winter Solider was a combination of the Superhero and Spy Thriller genres and Ant-Man was apparently part Heist film (still

Yea it's more "influenced" by those genres than it is part of them.
Both Noir and Westerns (Spaghetti Westerns specifically) are interesting because their style undeniably influences a lot of films and TV and they seem to have had a big influence on pop-culture but we don't get many true films in those genres any more.

I almost downvoted that comment out of instinct but I shouldn't shoot the messenger.

Breaking Bad (sometimes… sort of… if you stretch the definitions a bit)

I thought he was a nice, kind executor of estates but his parents weren't married when he was born.

The former of those two is certainly the better, although I've not been enjoying the latest season as much.
Fortunately each finale wraps things up pretty nicely so you could stop after 13 episodes if you wanted to.

Although Skyler White wasn't just the "nag", that's just the box certain audience members chose to put her in because she didn't fit into the other too and a complex, three dimensional female character who is morally apposed to the protagonist but also has her own flaws is too difficult for some viewers to understand.