
Me and a friend used to watch an entire series of 24 in a day, in fact for the last few seasons that's the only way we saw them.
It becomes an event, 16 hours of TV watching, 18 in total if you count breaks.
It definitely works best with certain types of shows, silly genre stuff where you can let your brain tune-out for

I know that feeling. I started Master of None when I still had Orange is the New Black, Sense8, House of Cards and Wet Hot American Summer to finish, and Narcos to start.
And that's juts Netflix series, I decided to watch W/ Bob and David before getting back into those series as well.
I just need to find an entire

To be fair, I think dubbing (except when it's done well with animation) can ruin a performance, instead of getting one actors interpretation of a character, you're getting their interpretation of a character with another actor's interpretation of their interpretation providing the voice.
Everyone I know from

Strange how "color blind" casting in this case lead to a huge majority of white actors and extras being cast.
Doesn't seem particularly "blind" to me. Because it looks so unrealistic and almost comic-booky (for lack of a better word) I'd have accepted an entire mixed cast of different races but going almost entirely

"I'm wondering about the non-church nuns."
You also should have kept scrolling for that one I'm afraid.
Nothing original here.

Or "herself".
I hear there are women here.

"Also, that moment when you've been having a great time flirting and
getting to know someone and right at the very end it turns out they're
otherwise committed (or just not interested). Always a bummer."

Tate episode was 'Never Kill a Boy on the First Date' for me, until that point the show was fun but never really had any emotional weight or particularly deep character relationships.
I agree the Anointed One was basically pointless and that certainly wasn't the reason I chose the episode, I skipped 'I Robot, You Jane'

I chose it because I liked it but it actually introduces the Anointed One (who is important in the finale and still around at the start of season 2) and has some good Buffy/Giles moments.
Oh yea I forget the set-up with Amy in Witch, I guess I'll just have to explain that later. I skipped it because it seems to

Indeed, I cut down my original comment before posting because I thought it was too long but I was going to say the most problematic element of the episode (in my opinion) is the ultimate fate of Irene Adler.
I might accept her falling for Sherlock and being bested by him this time if she escaped on her own to fight

That rule doesn't seem to apply to Downey Jr.

I don't know "the fucking pool" was a hit at my last Jacuzzi party.

Yea, I saw the first five minutes online and it was gripping enough to convince me to buy the DVD (only a couple of pounds on Amazon at the time).
I don't regret the purchase but I'd almost certainly not re-watch it.

I still really like that episode (not sure what that says about me*): Sherlock Holmes, a femme-fatale, BDSM references and nudity (both male and female) all presented in a "safe"pre-watershed time-slot.
Count me in.

Yea, I was trying to avoid speculation and rumors but I was bored and watched the RLM video (not expecting it to be accurate) and felt like they must be pretty close.
Over 45 minutes they may a pretty compelling point for the entire plot, for some reason I didn't stop watching.
I'm still super-pumped for the film

Yes, the pilot, 'Angel' and the finale of season 1 are all necessary viewing.
I'd also throw in 'Never Kill a Boy on the First Date' and maybe 'Puppet Show'. 'I Robot, You Jane' is worth watching if you like so-bad-it's-good TV and it also introduces an important character.

Definitely check it out. You'll have to get through season 1 (which is fortunately only 13 episodes - many of which are skipable) but if you don't love it by the end of season 2 then you're crazy (and it's not for you).
Season 2 and 4* are my favorite.

Buffy/Angel (the relationship) left me cold when I started watching. You're right about it feeling dated but I think the quality is still there. At least I hope so, I'm re-watching right now (just made it through choice episodes of season 1) and don't want to be disappointed.

Part of me thinks the show should have ended after season 5, that's where the quality started to decline slightly and it had the best natural ending for the series.
I'm actually a big fan of OMWF and think there are some great concept episodes in those last two seasons but the overall arcs aren't great.
Considering how

No they would show too much creativity. Kevin James is the best friend who can't get laid (because fat) who everyone begrudgingly let's join the game because it's his party at his expensive mansion.
Rick Gervais is the voice of the dice and Kevin James butler.