
I'm not complaining about that, in fact I think most people who did complain about him changed their tune when Radagast showed up in The Hobbit.
I remember someone saying Radagast was Peter Jackson's apology for not including Tom Bombadil in Fellowship (I don't know if there's an official quote to back that up or if

That such a straight thing to say!

When's the Aaron Sorkin penned Dan Harmon biopic coming?
I'll direct it!

"when the girlfriend in question was far from his "ex", helped him create the original Facebook, and eventually they got married!"
Not that I disagree with your other points but the woman at the start of the The Social Network isn't meant to be Priscilla Chan (the person Mark married), the character is based on Jessica

Technically Agent Carter came before this, but I agree with you on capital bullshit.

I'm all for it all being connected, I like the shared universe. But that can never come at the expensive of the individual story (like AoU).
All of these pieces of stand-alone media existing in the same universe is awesome all of them just existing to promote each other is annoying. Age of Ultron definitely leaned to

Yea, personally I'm really against a film setting up another film (or comic, TV series, video game, book, etc). They should work as tight, stand-alone narratives, Easter eggs (and the occasional well done cliff-hanger) are okay but anything else seems unsatisfactory to me. Two films a year don't work as a serialized

But then it would have been a 10 minute "magical pool scene" with almost no connection to the main plot in the middle of a action blockbuster.
Do you really want a twelfth of the film to be a "magical pool scene" focusing on one character?

Unless they Quantum Leap it. Just use CGI and old footage for some reflections and boom done.

I think Joss Whedon just had a soft-spot for the character, didn't want to introduce a whole new villain and he worked for his narrative. I don't remember him being a break-out character till after The Avengers.

Yea, the first one is really dull and feels more like a pilot than a completely story, I felt almost all of the 'phase 1' MCU films had this problem but it was certainly worst in Thor. They manage to completely waste Idris Elba as well, which should be a crime.
It's weird because in theory he would my favorite

Definitely one of the most interviews ever published on the AV Club.

See the way you describe it is what I thought it would be, which is the kind of show I hate but somehow it's not that, the differences seems subtle but they're important.
At least in the clips I've seen, the businesses aren't humiliated or tricked, most of Nathan's ideas actually work (at least in the short term) and I

Oh okay, those weren't clear on the video so it came across as just funny. It's still a ridiculously misleading chart but less 'comical' and more 'terrible'.
This whole debate still seems like something out of Veep, which isn't surprisingly considering how much UK politics mirror The Thick Of It.

Also, from what I can see, the graph has no scale, in fact it has no numbers on at all!
It just has two arrows, one pointing down and one pointing up. Allegedly it's showing the decrease in breast exams and the increase in abortions but I'm not sure how.
It's yet another case of 'it would be funny if it wasn't really

Maybe next it will learn from the Netflix release model—wait until an entire season is done and dump the entire thing out at once.

Shut your face carrot cake is delicious.

I'm curious how you got that job, you hired by the studio or the Coen's or are you not allowed to say.
I too would like to hear more about the process, I'm currently editing a sizzle reel for a project at the moment, there's some good articles out there but I always feel like I could use more.

That guy from The Guild: Jeff Lewis.
He's there too.

It's a fascinating read, I think it was this site of The Dissolve did an article on it recently. The scrip was originally called "Tonight He Comes" and was unproduced for a long time.