
Isn't that basically what happened. They had some major re-writes, including one from Vince Gilligan.

"In general, most people ARE assumed to be straight until they themselves arrive at an alternate conclusion and feel the need to share it with others (i.e. straight kids don't need to "come out" to their parents as being hetero)."

You're thinking of Crispin Glover.

Donald Glover for Steve Jobs!

I agree but season 1 of Dexter and House of Cards are a lot of a fun. It feels like as they go on the writers started believing they're making high-end / smart stuff just like the audience and it really goes off the rails.

Clearly the porn parody should be called Sphincter.

I always thought Q was 'Questioning'.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, +.
But I guess I could be wrong, I think Questioning should be included though, otherwise the assumption is that if you're Questioning you're assumed to be Straight until you decide otherwise. Most people

There are also a billion shows that do the story-of-the-week, stand-alone thing too.
I don't think Doctor Who should become Game of Thrones or anything, with one arching narrative, each episode should still remain completely different but proper over-arching character stuff would be nice too.
Moffat has being trying it

What about if I talk about a bag of hash I bought and I wanted to remember what was in the bag so I put a tag on it? A tag telling me the type of hash.
Does that earn a downvote?
I need to know how your system works!!!


Yea, I don't mind the US and UK having completely different systems it means we get more variety.

If you remember the pilot they go through interdimensional customs and it's the first time we see the bug people who turn out to be the Galactic Federation.
The leads us to the assumption that they're exist outside of our dimension.

I have seen the original film but not the series. From the trailers and this review it seems like the series is taking the exact opposite stance to the film, which is either a clever subversion or evidence the creatures didn't watch/understand the film.
The lead character's arc in the film was realizing the entire

You assume MTV is a 'he', I'm not so sure.

That's assuming Bird Person, isn't also an inter-dimensional traveler. Remember Morty found him earlier in the season with Rick's portal gun, which we know travels to other dimensions.

Both of those examples had a single writer (not a writers room) which is why they were so short.
British series can have total serialization with a single writer, or no serialization (with lots of writers working independently) but it's hard to do anything in between.
Since 2005 Doctor Who has tried to do the illusion

Also it doesn't have the written process to really serialize the storytelling. Considering UK shows don't have a writers room (except soaps), the episodes are either written by writers independently of each other or the entire series is written by one writer. Which makes American-style serialization almost impossible.

Either assumption is cool with me. Whatever happens I think it will cheapen the finale slightly if they bring the character back (there's probably a specific name for that on TV tropes but I can't be bothered to find it).

Yes, well you assume the alien cops will make sure he stays dead, or lock him up.

Unauthorized Community Story surely.