
Yea, either works. Do we know that was a stripper in the cake or was that also a kiss-o-gram?
I think it makes more sense that the character was using "kiss-o-gram" as a euphemism but I'm also willing to accept that they're the equivalent of strippers in the Doctor Who universe.
Am I the only one who thinks kissing a

'this isn't okay because it just isn't
I never liked that kind of self-righteous, moral crusading from my characters, unless it's a story about their inevitable downfall or corruption.
I guess that's why I never warmed to her character, unlike almost the entire rest of the NuWho fan-base.

(Remember. His first Companion was a kiss-o-gram, not a stripper.)
That was purely a pre-watershed censorship thing though, right? Amy was PG-ing up her job title for the Doctor (and the audience), I've never heard of a kiss-o-gram existing in the UK and I've lived her my entire life.

No it's the same "whoever wins, we lose".

"The pig says my wife is a slut?"
I think you've got it the wrong way round David Cameron.

An extra on a HBO show.

"Case in point"
Is that the expression? I always thought it was "case and point", huh, I guess you learn something new everyday.

And vice-versa.

*receives fellatio from dead pig*

As someone working on their tight five, I can relate to that. And I regularly face the same accusation from my housemates.

No… You don't need help.

My brother said his clothes were different and matched the preceding scene on Skaro not the opening scene, which would make a flash-forward.
I haven't checked though. It's all very complicated with time-travel, I find lines like "where is he now?" when they're looking for the Doctor to be hilarious. Who do the present

I'm straight. I once kissed a guy, does that bother you?

I mean does she make up slightly inappropriate facts about every author she covers in class?
I hope so.
That was certainly implied. You have to admit it would make her lessons more entertaining "in a fun but relevant way"?

Not sure what's wrong with the first one. That would certainly impress most 14 year-old I know and make her the "cool teacher". The second is mostly a problem with UNIT but I agree, it's certainly not the first time this trope has come up though (a lead character's importance and competence is almost always better

That's an excuse I use in bed but it doesn't hold up apparently. It doesn't help that I still have sex in a bed which is apparently "vanilla" and not at all "hip" and "bodacious" enough for my peers.

Who's on first?

I hated series one of Torchwood, except Dead Man's Shoes which I really, but I still never finished that series.
I remember series two being really enjoyable and a major course correcting, bringing fun into the show, better over-arching narratives than the series of Doctor Who that was airing at the same time and John

My grandfather (when he was alive, RIP) used to go to Rotary and play bowls with one of the classic Doctor Who actors, as a child he always used to brag to me about this and I didn't care. It wasn't until I was older and the show came back in 2005 that I thought this was cool.
It turns out that actor was Colin Baker, I

There's something about the lighting there that looks cheap. Something about colored lights on white walls often makes things look low budget to me.
The cinematography of the RTD era of the show really didn't appeal to me, it had that cheap British TV look but with very theatrical lighting (most spaceships/alien