
I always assumed that was deliberate.

I'm waiting for someone to make a supercut of all these supercuts so I don't have to waste my time watching them individual.

I made that mistake too, I assumed all Hollywood stars are lefties, I forget the opposite is true if they're 80s action stars.

That's what I would have thought but it was still ambiguous and I'll take any opportunity to educate the internet.
There have been many occasions where I've assumed someone was serious and they weren't but equally I've assumed people were joking when they were deadly serious.
So there's no harm in asking.

Are you joking or do you actually not know? I don't want to be that one party-pooper who ruins your joke, so I'm asking first.

A coat pocket? They're not hard to come by.

Probably exactly that but the minor weakness will be revealed in the same movie, or at least referenced earlier.
As much as they like these films tying together they want them to work for casual audiences too.

Why not both? They usually go hand-in-hand.

I think he played the closest thing to a Buffy villain in all the Marvel movies and I really appropriated that.

The four episodes I've seen are all from the second season, I want to see the first but it's no longer on BBC Iplayer and I don't think it's on Netflix.
If you watch any of the second season make sure it's 'Cold Comfort'.

What I've seen of Inside No. 9 is great, it's like a kinder, less cynical Black Mirror.
Although the one in the call center does get pretty creepy.

Except that Joss Whedon said it won't happen. The cast are all off doing other projects.
I'm sure plenty of outlets would jump at the chance to green-light a new show in the universe, with the same style and tone but following a new crew of misfits (with the original cast appearing in recurring roles) but I would

Let's cut them out and educate empty rooms instead. Much easier.


Sorry, too tired to pick up on satire. Also too used to seeing equally ridicules comment on this topic that are entirely serious.
It's hard to tell satire apart, when people have genuinely have opinions that extreme.

"If I pound my chest and act aggressively in a biker bar, if someone proceeds to beat the shit out of me, the guy who assaulted me is the criminal"
And that guy should go to jail. Nothing else matters.
You should be allowed to leave your door open and have no one rob your house and you shouldn't be denied justice or

Still not her fault. Maybe in your ridiculously contrived scenario the woman was blind, or just really curious.
Is curiosity really a valid reason to rape someone? It's never the victims fault, even if they could have taken simple steps to prevent it.

I will pass your P.S. onto them. I agree the 90s was a good decade, I just don't think it was the best decade to grow up in.
With the evolution of technology and the ability to watch stuff from every past decade, surely the best decade to be born in is always the most recent one?
If you're born in the the 1990s you

Except that I wasn't allowed to watch Simpsons as a kid, and even if you were you really need to be older to appreciate it.

Great, yes, no.
So sadly I didn't end up with free fruit.