
I'm already booking another set for just over a months time, I want to give myself enough time to write some new material, but arrange it now to give myself a deadline and make it harder for me to chicken out.

Did stand-up for the first time. Went well, not well enough that I'd call it "pop culture" though.
Went to see Inside Out, which was amazing but kept me perpetually depressed (maybe melancholic or nostalgic is a better word, either way it's sad), it was also the first time with a Pixar film where I kept hearing the

Amazing! The host of the evening made me take a bow afterwards, it was a small room but it was packed and had a really great energy.
All the acts before me were really strong, to the point it just made me more nervous. My hands were shaking on stage but I was told my delivery was good, those five minutes went by so

That seems to be a really American thing too. That only happens in the UK if it's a special screening with a Q&A after. Never heard applause in a cinema at any other time.

"Everyone calls me Pete re-Pete"

Tilda Swinton will be snubbed if anyone else gets the part before her.

That shows how much I know about the genre… Probably shouldn't have written a ten thousand word dissertation on it… In five days.

I remember the phrase "final girl" from writing my dissertation, I didn't think it had slipped into mainstream usage.

Well isn't Childish Gambino in an upcoming horror film? Flatliners 2 or whatever it is.

I'm fine with this analogy, as someone who doesn't like Macklemore and does like Cabin in the Woods.
It's a horror film I recommend to people who don't normally like the genre. Either as a gateway film or just a scary movie to watch at Halloween that isn't "too scary".
That's probably why it's so high up the list,

Enough to cough up blood, not enough to die.
I honestly can't remember the exact details, it must have been almost 20 years ago now.
I don't know if it's actually my oldest memory or if my brain is just making up memories based on the stories I heard, I vividly remembering being at the house of a friend of the family,

Maybe he just has a cloaking device to appear normal to Doctors and his internal organs just happen to be exactly the same as humans.
You don't know!

As someone who ate grass as a small child and had to go to hospital that one particularly resonated with me.

Captain America was always my least favorite character of the bunch but he's had the best standalone films so far (that could all change with Civil War).
Thor on the other hand is my favorite universe/character in theory but all his films have fallen flat and he contributes the least to the team-up films.

I thought it was fun but not particularly original and I was really bored throughout the third act.
It just seemed light and devoid of substance or charm, other than that brought by Robert Downey Jr, without him I don't think the film would have the same reputation (unless Sam Rockwell had the part).
I wasn't

I remember seeing a boy-girl body-switch film on the BBC a while back, I couldn't make it through the whole film though and can't remember the name.
I think it had some kind of rom-com plotline: Boy constantly argues with the girl-next-door, they switch bodies, see how hard life is for the other and fall in love.

"Also, Hollywood writers smoke weed, man. Trust me on this matter as I speak from direct, first-hand experience as a dealer."

He was also making more money. Perhaps his taste never changed he was simply able to afford what he wanted.

What the hell kind of guided tour were you on?

Crying seems like a running theme.
I've never really done that because of a job but the closest I came was at a very dubious "advertising" company.
They did legitimately make adverts, the kind you see on late night cable TV on channel nine-hundred-and-something.
They had us sign these very dodgy "freelance" contracts