
They came to the same conclusion when they reviewed the new film, they admitted the 1994 version was their favorite out of all of them.

So… Slightly off topic but I'm doing my first ever stand-up gig in 16 days (scary-as-shit).
Any advice? The club I'm going to has a really nice atmosphere and the audience is great towards newbies but it's still pretty terrifying.
Also, is spending my time watching stand-up specials on Netflix as unproductive as I think

Counterpoint to your counterpoint: One of those episodes isn't terrible (or so I've heard).

It could include an opportunity to accept or reject the offer, but the person is too drunk (or drugged) to make an informed decision.
I'm sure lots of people who prey on drunk women (or men) do ask, they just ask people who are too drunk to say no.

A quip is just a joke not trying hard enough.

It can.
I'm not saying people don't have other reasons for disliking them, I'm saying they're probably getting racist/sexist hate. as well as hate for the reasons you mentioned.
If they were just straight, white males they'd only be getting flak for how they act, not their race/gender as well.

That's very true, I'd have still hoped for better stand-alone quips but maybe the jokes play better in context.
I certainly don't trust Hollywood to deliver an accurate trailer (espeailly for a comedy), so I'm still holding out a little hope.
I just think there's a chance a lot of people are going to be very

That's who should have directed this!
I've been trying to wrack my brain for someone with more style and passion than whoever they got to direct this. Matthew Vaughn would be perfect (a mix of Edgar Wright and Guy Ritchie).

Hey Sarcasm and pop-culture references can be done well, especially with a splash of meta-humour (just look at Rick and Morty) but it needs other jokes as well… and heart… and style.

I don't really like this trailer but I'd still rather see it than Suicide Squad. That's not really high praise for anything.

It feels like they were just riffing in that scene and everyone was having an off-day. It's fine for an improvised line, wouldn't expect it to make the trailer though.

Honestly the best jokes in the trailer were:
"Reference to Green Lantern", "Updated version of the traditional 'brown pants' joke" and "You look like X had sex with Y".
They seem to have nailed the quantity of jokes need for a Deadpool film, just not the quality.


I'm still not-so-sure. They seem to have nailed the balance of graphic violence, meta-humour and quips which made the character so popular, and that should be the hard part.
But the violence isn't well shot, the meta-humour is just references and the quips aren't particularly funny.

So… Every show should basically do a Scrubs.

And that neither of them are straight, white, males.
Although they each have two out of three of those characteristics (I assume, I don't follow celebrity gossip) I'd imagine the backlash would be even worse if they didn't.

I live like that at the moment. It's not fun, although you do get used to it.
The trick is the keep the tea flowing and pound the caffeine pills when you need to, also try not to have a heart attack.

The original Lord of the Rings trilogy did it (although it had more CGI than Jurassic Park, more practical effects as well) and that will forever separate it from The Hobbit trilogy.

Sam Rockwell, I don't care that he's 10 years older than Harrison Ford was in the first movie.

It was.
I should fare alright. Certainly better than other people at the company who'd been working there years before the latest round of surprise redundancies.
I was on a short term contract, so I always knew this was a possibility.
I just found out some of my old college (community college / high school for you