
Ahhh, now you're making me nostalgic for last summer:
Uni had just finished, me and 5 friends just chilling in a house by the beech (never going to the beech), BBQs every day in the garden, watching one of my housemates play Wind Waker on the WiiU, then hanging with everyone as they got stoned and we watched Archer and

I just started that last night, I was warned that it started slow and took a long time to get into the "main plot" but personally I loved seeing all of the characters stand alone stories and am in no hurry to find out how they're all interconnected.
There was something almost poet about the first episode.

What was the quality like (picture and sound wise)? I don't normally support leaks but I may have to break that rule here (of course I'll re-watch them on Adult Swim as soon as I can).

At least they don't come in my bed.

Them too.
I love Red Letter Media but I feel they're responsible for this wave of petty plot-hole nitpickers.
It's like people saw the success of their Star Wars prequel reviews and thought "I can nitpick stuff too" without realizing there was actual smart criticism with just a sprinkling of pedantic nitpicking.

"I just can't believe they devoted so much of the movie to those space-rollerblades."
I've still not seen it yet but everything I read just makes me more and more curious.
I love the Wachowskis' work and it seems like ridicules B-Movie fun with a multi-hundred-million-dollar studio budget.

Not seen Inside Out yet (it's not been released here) but I have a friend who saw a preview screening and spent all last night raving to me about it.
Ex Machina is great, I can't recommend it enough, I'm so happy I saw it on a whim knowing nothing about it but sad it wasn't more heavily marketed over here (it got a

I disagree but maybe because I saw the UK ending first. It just seems more in keeping with the ending of the second film (a cliff-hanger that sets up a completely new story) but I guess the S-Mart ending works better if you're watching Army of Darkness as a stand-alone film.
I'd always hoped they'd do a sequel with

Well my mum is an anti-vaxer with two autistic kids. Imagine how that made us feel.
My youngest sister hasn't been vaccinated.

Yea, I don't know why I haven't started yet.
Especially as I'm a huge fan of Firefly and loved the new Mad Max film, so have been wanting something to scratch that 'crazy desert sci-fi' itch.
I shall get on it, I just moved to my new flat in London so I finally have time to start gaming again (although I do have a job

That's what I thought, before John Oliver's take down I assumed he was just making a point and being incredibly progressive "aren't you just saying a woman then".
Perhaps I'm too naive and optimistic.

Yea, I've been keeping up with all the Telltale series except Borderlands (which I mean to get into soon). I'll check out Kentucky.

Very excited to play Life is Strange but sadly there's no Mac version :(.
I hadn't gamed in a long before getting into Telltale's The Walking Dead (before that the last game I played all the way through was Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy). Now I'm a huge story-based adventure game fan, which seems to be a genre that's

Oh yea I agree, I also played the hell out of Quake 3 Arena (despite not having broadband at the time and being limited to single-player) but I doubt that holds up like their classics.
I honestly haven't been keeping up with their recent stuff, I don't really game any more, I just pop by the news sections every E3 to

I think they also use it to try and make the graphics look better.
I'm not sure it does that but I think that's their intention to have so many filters, lense-flares and grit on top that you don't notice the polygon count.

I think you have to give them credit for at one of those.
When it comes to gameplay, they invented the First-Person-Shooter genre and I can still enjoy Doom and Doom2 to this day.
They also had great character design and atmosphere, that's not quite the same as characters and story but still very important and lead to a

Daredevil Vice.

Very good points. I think that's a much deeper understanding than I originally posted.
I'd always it was great that films like The Big Lebowski managed to be engaging without the lead character having much agency but was never able to put into words why that was.

"Don't be annoyed Adam Baldwin is being a jackass, rejoice that he is unhappy."
Indeed. I enjoy him as an actor but I'm glad he blocked me on twitter.

I don't know. Are any of us real? How can we be sure? O feel real but maybe that's real feeling is fake but I can't tell because I'm not real.