
I both voted Green and upvoted this comment.
What does that mean?

Yea, my theory with the "forced' stuff is that the studio/actors don't want their genuine mistakes on a gag reel, so they lean towards the "look how much fun we're having" stuff
I've noticed with most of the Marvel Blurays the gag reels are heavily made up of behind-the-scenes shenanigans with almost no actual mistakes.

That is one thing I find interesting about gag reels. You're essentially editing a compilation of all the mistakes a group of professionals have made.
I wonder if any stars have contractual clauses forbidding them.

Thanks for the tip, will do. I heard from someone else that one of the Hurowitz episodes was the best but wasn't sure which one, I guess I'll just listen to all of them.
Is there a wiki or an easy way of finding out which episodes have which guests?

I'm in the UK and still watched on Yahoo through a region changing plugin, although I also used an adblock plugin so I don't know how much they care about my views.

The margin of error could be anything. Harmon was entirely accurate when he described the Nielsen rating as "selected participants keeping hand written journals of what they watch". It's almost comically anyone puts any stock in those number at all, or it would be if it wasn't so depressing.

Ah, just looking at them as stand-alone episodes I'd swap season 1 & 2 in my order.

The most disappointing thing about the UK release of season 5 is that it's completely bare-bones and lacking any extras, it made me so angry but I'm probably going to import the US version I guess it's a win for Sony.

It certainly shines a different light on his marriage in season 1.

Just a group of friends getting together (maybe to go and find Troy), it doesn't make sense for their lives to stay together any more but that doesn't mean they won't see each other.

Not only did he include that dress the character specifically drew attention to it. Glad I started listening to Harmontown for this season.

Yea, I feel the hashtag at the end points to Harmon being in the same camp. That's certainly where I am.

It says a lot about the show that I thought they were part of the joke for about a full minute but actually they were just out-of-sync subtitles spoiling jokes for me.


Yea, I got weird subtitles too.
I loved the F-bombs it was such a perfect meta-twist and one the show has been unable to do until now.
It was espeailly poignant because they bleeped the profanities last episodes, so they really stood out and made it feel odd and real.
I wonder what this will do for syndication, I suspect

I actually didn't like season 2's ending as a finale, it was a good 2-parter but the first half definitely better and it didn't really have a "finally vibe" for me.
I'd have to say:
1 > 3/6 > 5 > 2 > Unseen

"Abed's speech about TV had me seriously choked up."
I really should go to sleep right now but I'm feeling so emotional. It doesn't help that I just packed up my room because I'm moving out of my dad's flat tomorrow morning and starting my life living as an adult in London.
Wrong time to watch an emotional season

I'd say keep both but I think I'd have liked them more if they were somehow combined into one season.
Between the two of them they had just the right amount of concept episodes and "regular" episodes and this was the best ending the show could have hoped for after season 4.
I like that the hashtag at the end is a

Agreed 100%.
I've actually made that same "the old bigots die out" point before, every generation tends to be more progressive than the one before, and that's how larger changes tend to happen (not that smaller social movements or activism is unimportant).
As much as I dislike capitalism it does work (albeit slowly),

Yea, I agree. I guess I was in particularly cranky mood with my first comment. I don't think objectification is inherently wrong, but I do think it should be equal.
I'm also optimistic the studios can change, it will take a long time but just look at how overtly racist they used to be 50 years ago and how much better