
I see your point.
I guess I'm just thinking of the commutative effect, one comment isn't going to make a difference but the sheer number of comments mentioning an actresses looks is going to get noticed by the studios and casting directors.
It shows them the audience care about how women on TV look and means they'll

Yea I would never introduce someone at season six but I don't think it's fair to assume that the only people who would get this far are die-hard fans (season 4 was about but not so terrible that it will turn away all the casual viewers).
It's entirely possible a casual viewer (espeailly one starting now) will get this

How is it better if you don't know or have any connection to the person?
If anything that makes it more creepier because you're commenting about someone you don't really know and it's not any of your business.
I'm not going to get bent out of shape about it but I think it's worth drawing attention to how casually we

I don't think so. I have a lot of friends I've introduced to the show recently who plan on watching through to season 6 (back-to-back) and I'm interested to hear their opinions when they get to this season.
I'm going to be watching it with my family soon which will be interesting, I have a suspicious they won't like it

I'll have to give that one a listen. I've also only heard the first two, and while I always laughed the show got relegated to the bottom of my podcast list by virtue of better stuff being out there.

See that makes perfect sense but only to people who are familiar with Harmon's life outside of Community.
He's casting a non-actor for the sake of an inside joke that very few people will get. It's the very definition of nepotism and I wonder what the union rules are for that sort of thing.
I love Harmon and everything

"He's not an eggplant he's retarded"

He looked a bit like Steve Guttenberg to me for some reason. Maybe because I'd just re-watched his episode of Party Down.

Yes… and then the men.

At least put a sepia filter on it or something.

So that was her! I was thought it was her in the trailer but wanted to come her to confirm it.
Not sure I like this habit of Harmon casting his friends/family on the show, to be fair it worked with Spencer but I can see it getting a little incestuous (that appears to be one of the jokes next week too).

"Truly, he was the BIG Lebowski" is final line of the porn parody.

Abd that can't beat the uncut brilliance that is 'Tucker's Law'

Actually I was genuinely asking. No need to assume I'm bitching just because I'm asking a question.

"She's gone Glental."

Is this a joke I'm missing???
I thought it was common knowledge this season had a bigger budget (which is pretty evident in the episodes themselves) yet every week someone makes this exact same comment, only to be instantly corrected.

Come on, we can all see his trolling is beyond obvious.

The AV Club


That's just not true. The crasser the better I always say.