
It's not cheating or illegal, it's Darwinism. If those companies can't evolve they'll die, we shouldn't not use a technology that exists (and is legal) and makes our lives easier just so coporations can make more money.
And I say this as someone's who's entire job is funded through ad revenue.

I also have regular Adblock installed as well, together I've had nothing seep through the cracks (which happens when I use either on there own).

Yea, I fall somewhere in between, I really liked a lot of the episode (working as a video editor perhaps more of the jokes resonated with me) but agree with the reviewer that the pacing was off and most of the episode lacked stakes.
That scene with Chang in the booth was great but it would have worked better as the

Yea, the two ideas could work rather well together. A future which isn't dark or depressing but doesn't look like an Apple advert.
I always thought if you want to accurately depict ten years in the future, just take all the latest cutting edge technology and make it look old and crappy, don't try and invent anything

Looper sort of meets those criteria.

That's sad to here, I was looking forward to this because I love Carey Mulligan and it was shot near where I went to university.
In fact a few of the actors my course-mates used in their graduate film projects are background actors or small roles in this (which should make for a fun game of "spot the extra").

I think of the past for this season but Dan Harmon said that going in (of course he's been known to lie). I wouldn't be surprised if they came back next season though.
Remember there were no parody episodes in the first chunk of season 1, that was probably a longer stretch of "normal" episodes than this.

She kicked him out and he went to live with Jeff and then Duncan (I think, maybe I'm just imaging the perfect spin-off).

Did he loose his job though? Is that a firing offense? Also the school is still open and his diamond teeth are gone so I'm willing to chalk that ending montage up to a dream sequence.

I'd love to see his class and he's just a perfectly normal, boring teacher. If anything a little overly boring and it's never addressed again.

My season ranking so far:
2, 1, 3/6, 5
And I really liked season 5.

I think season three is when the show hit peak "weird and alienating".
Season 2 was amazing because they had loads of fresh ideas, the characters were still relatively new and it was exciting to see them trying new things each episode.
We're not at that stage any more, it can't keep getting more "weird and alienating"

Never watch The Thick of It.
I love that show but almost all the best lines are very sweary verbal abuse.

I thought it was Superman who was Jesus?
I'm sorry I repent and join the church of Batman (Batman Incorporated I believe it's called).

Make a film or write a story where a character has a dog named Batman and in that story Batman is a dog.

"He should have destroyed Starling City instead and killed every cast member on "Arrow""
Corrected that for you.

Batman is whatever the writer says Batman is.

They don't really have to be great, for the MCU to work they just have to passable and they'll make money.
Most of the films are like filler episodes of a TV show, there's occasionally a great stand-alone episode and the season finales are worth watching but they others are just franchise padding.

I'd agree but he's not supposed to be reviewing the tacos at the restaurant (to use your analogy). If he'd come back with a puff-piece promoting the latest Hollywood blockbuster they wouldn't have used it.
He's a proper news reporter and they sent him to do an in depth interview with this actor, but instead of

But it's not exactly like the journalist could refuse without putting his job on the line.
It was just really poor producing to send someone like that into completely the wrong context for him to work but maybe they did it on purpose for the free promotion.