
I live in the UK, so have seen Channel 4 (it's the home of Utopia, Peep Show, Black Mirror and all sorts of other interesting British dramas and comedies) and I agree it was really poor producing of the show to send this guy to a press junket for a Hollywood film.
I don't really blame the interviewer, he was stupid but

"That's the thing about sex, the women always loose"

Where from?
My girlfreind has been asking for a "Rust Cohle (Matthew Mcconaughey) vibe"

I love…

Which is odd because isn't he still a math teacher? Or has something changed since the re-pilot? I can't remember him getting fired but he might have in the last episode.

I thought the same thing, I suppose he could have meant "utilized as a member of staff", he was a security guard, then head-of-security, then apparently a math teacher last we heard (which surely is something Frankie should know about).
Also Chang is crazy so in the context of the show he could just be ranting nonsense.

Hasn't there been a "Fake TV Show Title" freeze-frame gag in every episode so far. I know there was one with Leonard in the first episode and one with Jeff ad Elroy in episode two, I remember another one as well.
I wasn't a fan of the Annie and Britta one in this episode but I guess they were going for constancy.

Well since the second half of season 1. I don't think there was a single parody episode in the before the season 1 Christmas break.

It's not just you but somehow I also agree with the previous commenter. To balance things out the same could be said about Joel Mchale but maybe that's just because he has better facial hair this season.

"since coming out is the last thing anyone else wants closeted people to do."
That's not true. Some therapists will try and push people to come out, as will people's friends. I'm sure certain bigots would even want gay people to come out so they know who to avoid.
Just at work the other day some co-workers were talking

"The implication is clearly that people are being pressured to come out
because of the people who have already come out and made the change"
That was not my implication and that's something I 100% do not believe.

"If people feel pressure to come out, they certainly shouldn't be blaming the people who HAVE"
Of course not, I'm not sure you're understanding my point at all. You keep restating your own point of view (which I've already said I agree with) but don't seem interested in moving the conversation on and talking about

I never said it did equal that. Now you're getting angry at me for something I didn't say.
I felt the need to make that distinction because this is an online comment section and it was something I felt like discussing which was linked to your point. I wasn't accusing you of anything I was just expanding the topic and

But the Government are not be in control of the technology, the people are.
Everything we see in the episode (like Jon Hamm's wife blocking him) implies that each individual has the power of who to block and for how long.
The point isn't that the Government thinks this makes people safer, the point is people are selfish

I agree with all of that.
My point wasn't about forced diversity or racial quotas (that's racist in it's own way) but about business being held accountable when there's significant evidence their hiring process is discriminatory.
There definitely needs to be a burden of proof, so we know it's clearly not a mistake or a

Well I'm a UK citizen and it's a little different here.
Sure the bussiness can hire whoever they want but if a business has lots of employees and all of them are white despite several highly qualified non-white people applying for jobs, the government are going to start getting suspicious.
Then all it would take is one

I do believe in personal liberty, I just think business are no longer personal.
I guess I'm almost a libertarian when it comes to people's private lives and a communist when it comes to business ventures.
You're right I don't have respect for the freedom's of business leaders to discriminate, I don't think that's a bad

The government isn't forcing anyone to hire anyone, you use that word incorrectly a lot.
The government can't force them to offer a job to a gay person if they don't have a job to offer but they can ban them from saying "no gays" on a job advert.
They can hire whoever they think is best for the job but they can't openly

I can, there are plenty of things I don't like that I think should be legal. I'm a huge believer in personal liberty, but only personal not for businesses.