
I think that was Bo Burnham, but he's far from the only comedian to tackle that subject. So you may have to narrow the quote down.


I guess I have a lower opinion of humanity than you. The whole point of Black Mirror is that it's about the worst of humanity, a world where we're ruled by our worst instincts.

I agree with all of that and I never said you said that.
My point was it's unfair to put pressure on people to come out, I agree that may be the fastest way for change to happen but the important thing to remember is the only people to blame are the bigots. If someone's a bigot it's not the responsibility of their gay

I'm not sure you understand the definition of "slavery" or "forcing".
Again, I'm not a slave and yet sometimes I have to do thing I don't want to for my job. I can leave at any time (unlike a slave).
As for those other forms of discrimination I don't agree with them either, discriminating against children at least has

No, it can't discriminate in it's employment practices either.
I thought that was a given, it's 2015.
You can't refuse to hire someone because of the color of their skin (although employers often make up other excuses and get away with it), the same goes for serving costumers.

Business aren't people, personal decision you have freedom over, business decisions you don't.
It's not that complex of an idea.
I don't have complete freedom over what I do at work either. If they give me a task I don't want to do I could politely request they give it to someone else but the company would have every

No it's not.
They have a choice right there, "do your job or find another job".
That's not the same as "do it or go to jail" or "do it or die", that would be forcing them.
It may be a business they run but they still have to run it in accordance to the law. If you own a business you can't take all the money out of the

We're definitely on the same page, it's advantages for the whole group if non-straight people identify themselves but I don't think it should be expected of them and they certainly shouldn't be pressured into it.
Even a lot of LGBT supporters and support groups treat "coming out" as an important step everyone should

Maybe, but I'm optimistic enough to believe I'm not alone.

We are groan

I don't, at least not on a conscious level.
Maybe the primal part of my brain wants that, the part that wants to punch someone in the face when they piss me off, but that's the part of the brain civilized people repress.
I honestly want to end all gender/race/sexuality segregation, I'm against gender-exclusive toilets

"It's all about perspective man and….we need more of it."
Indeed, but (as I said in another post) the impetus shouldn't be on gay people to out themselves so that bigots know they're actually okay people after all.
The marginalized group shouldn't be responsible for ending their own oppression (that would be a form of

"even though the P&R writers worked overtime to try to sand down its rough edges"
I think you meant to to right "before the character naturally developed and grew over 7 seasons" but I do agree with your assessment of Old Ron vs New Ron.

Then you like discrimination or at the very least segregation.

The government isn't forcing them to bake cakes, they could always shut down their business. If they don't want to serve people they shouldn't be in the service industry, it's as simple as that.
You launch a business you don't get to discriminate against your costumers. If you're a private citizen baking cakes for your

"how the hell do these bigots have so much money??"

Yes "I don't hate the sinner I hate the sin" is an expression I've heard a lot (unfortunately) and I live in England which is relatively tolerant compared to the Southern American states (I imagine).
The question is whether they have non-straight friends in spite of them not being straight or whether it's a complete

"Once more and more gay people come out, and more and more people realize that they have gay neighbors and friends and family members, a lot of this animus will dry up and blow away."
But they shouldn't gave to, no one should have to publicly admit anything about their private life to stop discrimination.
People should

Depends how you define "better", do you mean "technically higher quality' or "more pleasurable to the listeners".
Because the latter is the definition most people would go by and is entirely subjective.
It's like arguing which tastes better, a salad or a burger, the nutritional value can be objectively quantified but