
Dan said that his plans changed after season 4 and the whole firing/re-hiring thing.
He choose to bring the characters back to Greendale to re-pilot the show and at that point it would be silly to have them graduate again, so now Greendale is a core element.
Also with all the cast members leaving there has to be

I was going to ask what people thought about those, I always find it weird when a show introduces a new visual element so late in it's run (espeailly for something as fundamental as texting, which we've seen on the show many times before not in this style).
I didn't like some of the more cartoony visual elements in

Did it not make you feel funny?

I use firefox and adblock and have a problem where it will randomly skip ahead, sometimes it does it in such away it's almost impossible to tell (I was re-watching an episode and a scene ended early, I had to re-wind to see it all), also sometimes it buffers infinitely and I have to refresh the page.

Ooh, is that new? Last I checked (it might have been UK Netflix) they only had the sequel.
I'll finally check it out then, I bet I'll be able to quote along.

Not really. It's just not on Netflix and I've never bothered to seek it out, I've seen so many clips and quotes that I feel like there's not much to gain from seeing them in order.
Also whenever I'm in the mood to watch that 'type' of film I inevitably end up re-watching Easy A.

Not to me… Still haven't seen it.

"it REALLY didn't work in Studio 60 because it's an SNL sketch show, treating everything on that like it was HUGELY important the way he did just became ridiculous."
Having not seen The West Wing when I watched Studio 60, I thought that was deliberately satirical, a parody of how people in the industry can take

I'm so annoyed my UK DVDs don't have commentates or any other special features.
Does anyone know if there's anywhere I can download/obtain them? I'd be willing to pay (if the money was going to a legitimate source).

TMZ is the TMZ of TMZ.

"Well that's just like your opinion man"

Ha, no.
Whether or not that show is "good" may be debatable (personally I'm not a fan) but I don't think you'd get much consensus at all on calling it "truly great", the level of Firefly or Breaking Bad.
My point was, there are more superhero shows on at the moment than "tradtinal" science fiction series (with

Yes! This!
Has it not come out in the US yet?
I'd not heard anything about it but saw it on a whim, because my dad wanted to go to the cinema (which is something he never does) in January (not usually the best month) and this was the only thing on that looked good.
I really loved it, probably more than he did, I've been

Agreed, the scene in the church and the skydiving sequences were great.
It's fucking stupid but it never purports to be anything else, it's just crazy fun and doesn't take itself seriously for even a second.

"regardless of what you attempt to do, there will always be complaints"
You don't need to make that quote any more specific; the bigger your audience the more people you will upset.

The AV Club
"unproductive and silly, and don't really help matters at all"

I think Mad Men's reputation has survived. You don't have to do that, you could depict the era accurately without "2-dimensional moustache-twirling villains" and just ignore any criticism.
The point of storytelling shouldn't be to avoid all criticism (obviously).

I'm not sure about that as I've only seen the original cut once. They're very different films, the work-print/assembly cut is not only almost 30 minute longer but certain scenes are cut differently, so it's not just a case of re-inserting lost footage.
The ending is different, not sure if it's less "melodramatic".

Interesting, I didn't know that.
I like to think Fincher would have made that decision anyway, as it totally fits the tone of the film, or the entire tone of the film was decided (and Fincher was hired) because of that decision.
Either way it perfectly fits, without Newt's death it would be a totally different film and

I don't think the actresses age was an issue (they could have re-cast). It was about starting the film of in a state of utter hopelessness, stripping the character of the only good thing in her life.
Without it the film wouldn't have been as relentlessly dark and miserable, which would take away it's bite.