
I've only been in that situation twice before, once with my friend's girlfriend who was a good friend of mine and they both independently bitched to me and how things weren't going well between them.
I convinced them both to break up but didn't make a move on her because I thought that would be a very dickish

Good points.
I guess it depends how far into the friendship you are, obviously the best situation for everyone would be to be as honest as possible early on. I was more thinking about developing a crush on a long term friend (someone you've known for years), if you know they're not interested in you that way you should

I guess I should just count myself lucky that I have a better ability to compartmentalize than most people. I've learned to how to stop my life being dictating by my feelings (to be fair I had no choice).

I'm neither black nor Irish and that's my goodbye, is that allowed or is it cultural appropriation?

It could be a callback, we don't know how the joke was constructed.
They could have planned this storyline first and put that line in as foreshadowing or put that line in as a bizarre non-sequitur and it inspired this plotline.
I don't know which would be cooler, although I think the former is more likely.

"I have a serious problem with putting anything in my body that coould be determined as serving no good purpose."
I feel sorry for your sex life.

Well I've been upvoting comments despite this account being my real name.
How stupid is that? (genuine question)
I figure any screen-name could be traced back to me anyway (unless I set up a burner e-mail and go through proxies) and I don't think it matters. What negative repercussions could it really have? (another

"As christian women we should be careful"
That review perfectly sums up the close-minded logic some people have, the word she should have used was "I" not "we".
That review is basically saying "because I have this belief everyone should behave in accordance to it"

An ouroboneros.

Is MILF not relative to your own age then?
I always assumed the M part was specific to the age your mother, perhaps that's why I've always been turned off by the concept.
"One man's MILF is another man's appropriately-aged crush"

Considering the amount of porn I've seen heard about on that topic, there's definitely a market for it.
Just to bring up David Mitchell again in this thread (because there can never be enough of him) here's a clip from Peep Show about exactly what you're talking about:…

I knew a girl who worked as a bartender in a strip club right next to a casino. Apparently everyone got tipped remarkably well there (not just the dancers). One guy tipped almost ten grand in a night and came back the next day to try and get it back, he didn't succeed, I'm not sure if I feel sorry for him or jealous.

I know how you feel.
Part of me thinks children like us should have the right to sue parents for messing them up to the point where romantic relationships become almost impossible, but obviously I understand that's a ridicules notion, espeailly as they were probably only trying to do their best even if it was in

"I would find it extremely difficult remaining friends with someone whom I had feelings for in which those feelings were unrequited."
That attitude seems a little selfish to me, people can't control the way they feel not being friends with someone because they don't love you doesn't really seem fair (especially if

I couldn't disagree more. If you're good friends with someone and they haven't responded to any of your subtle advances, telling them how you feel or making a move is only going to make them feel weird.
I'm really tired so maybe I'm not phrasing this the best way but you need at least an inkling that they think of you

That's like betting all your money on the lottery, you could win big but if you're smart you'll just keep what you have (it's better than nothing).

It's really not. I lost a good friend for a year because I followed that logic, and have regretted it ever since.
I guess it depends how desperate you are for a romantic relationship that you're will to kill any friendship you have for a slim chance at something better (just like any form of gambling it doesn't make

It's times like this where I wish I had a slightly more anonymous Disqus account, but fuck it, it's late (1AM UK time) and I can't be bothered to go through the sign up process again.
It's scary how much your life mirrors my own, apart from being ten years younger we're almost identical, right down to being fellow

Jeez that she seems messed up. Surprisingly I know exactly the type of person you're describing but managed to dodge those bullets (because I was lucky enough not to be attracted to them).
Out of curiosity, was she a religious only child with conservative parents? Because the people she reminds me of are usually one or

You shouldn't let that ruin it for you. I have been unfortunate enough to know some people who take stories that seriously and if it wasn't HIMYM she would have just used another show/film/book as an excuse to do the same thing.