
Heck, the former is only true for a limited time and could cease to be true at any moment.
Happy valentines!

So this last week tough it was a whole lot of fun. so much fun. The story wasn't
as good as Kick Ass and the characters weren't as unqiue/interesting but it had what could be my favorite action scenes of the year (the skydiving one and the scene in the church). Some of the laddish humor is a bit grating but for the

But I feel like that's been done before. Not that the high school thing is particularly original but it would be for the MCU.
Plus I feel like it plays into the whole power-fantasy thing better, if it's going to be fun, comic-booky and slightly melodramatic (which it should be IMO) teen drama works better than serious

Yea, although I really like the idea of keeping it in school. I think that's the mistake the previous two series made (although I like parts of both of them).
I always thought if I ever made a Spider-Man film series, I'd base it on the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon series and keep the characters in school for at least

I like that one a lot. I'm assuming you've heard Smells Like Rockin Robin and Call Me A Hole. Playing those on repeat got me through a lot of long shifts at university.

Nothing makes my skin crawl so much as the American jail industry (not the phrase, but the fact that phrase accurately describes a thing that exists).
How should I refer to it? I was going to say "the American jail system" but that didn't seem accurate, so I changed it.

Because that would be encouraging a broken system. People shouldn't be sentenced to jail because of a botched trial, even if they are guilty, in the same way that cops should be allowed to get away with executing someone on the street even if that person turns out to be guilty. There's a system for a reason.
The system

The question is whether someone should be sentenced to jail because you "can't see any real plausible alternative to them doing it" or because there's irrefutable evidence that they definitely did it.
Personally I think the latter is the most appropriate (especially considering the state of the American jail industry)

And the Community reboot in 2035 (if they make it that far).

Die Hard? Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

"Not that I would know or anything…"
Are you trying to tell us you're a serial killer?

O Bummer, Where Art Thou?

You're right they did mention Z-eyes not be optional, I forgot about that, but I guess choosing to block sex offenders on there still would be optional.
I hope the references to other episodes were just that; references, because I don't think it would be a good thing for this show to get bogged down in continuity.

No, more like half an episode. Even the combined power of Joss Whedon and Neil Patrick Harris couldn't compel me to finish it

Morbid curiosity.
Because I honestly thought the show had ended, so when I saw it on this site I thought I'd take a look, espeailly considering the grade I thought the write up would be intersting.
I can dislike a show but still be interested in reading a critique of it, for the sake of invoking Godwin's law, someone

When the was the episode directed by Joss Whedon? That's the only one I tried to watch, Neil Patrick Harris was my favorite character until he stopped trying to shut the group down.
Then I stopped watching.

I thought this show finished years ago. So I was both surprised to see the grade and yet it's also exactly what I would have expected.
Isn't this show set in a High School, do characters ever graduate?

Yea the quality that franchise took a really fast nose-dive after the second film (which was also my favorite as a child), how many did the make in the end? I want to say five but I stopped watching after the third.
Strangely, considering how much I liked/watched the first two movies, I can barely remember anything

Read the first trade of Fatale, didn't like it as much as Criminal but will continue reading now the series is over. Also read Gotham Central and started Catwoman, can't believe I missed those off my list.
Will definitely check out Lazarus as your the second person to recommend it and I enjoy all those other things.