
I'd rather be around some people when they're stoned than sober. They're far more inclined to stay in and watch TV with me than go out to a club.
I just want "friends" who sit there while I introduce them to new shows and laugh at my crappy jokes. Is that too much to ask?

She makes me not want to be humane.

I did the same thing, fortunately I stopped it as soon as I started laughing hysterically because I knew the next stage would be rage.

The last erotic novel I read did in fact contain shitting and giggling. Was that one of yours?

That makes sense. You're not so much a "hater" as someone who finds something they enjoy in the writing and think there's room for improvement. Then it makes sense to come back.
People who seems to find no redeeming features in her writing and yet comment on every article are the ones I don't understand. I guess I

I think it's smart their diversifying into the pimping industry, they're slogan can remain the same, as can their costumer base, their employee treat and the chance of giving older gentlemen heart attacks.

This is why I don't smoke pot, I don't want to associate with drug dealers and I don't currently live with any smokers. I guess that's evidence that prohibition does work on some people.
Also because it's illegal and I'm a good boy, I have never and would never break the law.

"If you are somehow chosen for lovin’, you’ll be asked to perform “a random act of Lovin’"
This reminds me of some very strange erotica my friend showed me. Yea, I'll go with that, a friend showed me some BDSM stories… as a joke.
But seriously "What Sally did for a Hamburger" could be a title, someone write that shit.

Good man. Be sure to check out Song of Solomon that shit's sexy.

"I guess I'm a prude."
Then this might not be the show for you. There's some light… bestiality.

I know. I clicked the link and immediately closed the tab when I realized it was then. I feel bad giving them my click, hopefully because I have two versions of adblock installed (can never have too much protecetion) they won't get any money from it.

Oh yea. I've read a lot of Runaway, not sure if I've read all of it, certainly read most of the Vaughn & Whedon issues.

"both derive pleasure from getting into contentious and pointless arguments, and neither group will admit it."
You just described almost every conversation I have with my brother.

It's my most read column on the site (not counting reviews), I don't entirely understand why it's here (a pop-culture critique site) but I'm glad it is because I wouldn't have found it otherwise.
As for the haters it's a classic case of: if you don't like it why do you keep coming back?

Jeez, I just looked them up and I wish I didn't know about those facebook comments.
Usually people are more asshole-ish when they can pick their own usersnames and be relatively anonymous (which is why I use my real name to try and curb that impulse) but the comments on facebook seem way worse than here.
Well at least I

I have the first issue on Comixology (because it was free) that's on my short-list now. Which for currently consistence of:
* Sex Criminals
* The Fade Out
* Chew
* New Deadwardians
* Batgirl

So. I've just got a new job in London, with a two hour commute. Which of these should I start reading on my tablet?
Not joking, any other recommendations would be appropriated. Big fan of Saga, which is the only thing I'm consistently reading at the moment and very adapt at angling my screen away from other passengers.

When I was a kid and didn't have much pocket money, I'd almost exclusively buy games from the Sold-Out line, which was a British publisher which released "classic" games with a £4.99 price tag.
It also meant they'd all work on my parents' computer, I did catch up through college but I feel going back to that strategy

Exactly. I don't have a Bluray player and don't want to plug my laptop into my TV everytime I want Netflix.
The games are just a bonus for me as I'm mostly a casual gamer and I'll probably just play indie games (like Flower) and Telltale stuff, maybe check out David Cage's stuff as well (despite it's flaws I liked