
Yea, the guidance counselor was a great plot device for bringing the series back-to-basics and closer to the first few seasons, but they wanted to go epic with the series finale (which is understandable I suppose) so dropped the whole thing pretty sharpish. There were just so many better ways at giving the show a

But… crispy, mmmmm.
Crunchy foods are just better: Cookies > cake, toast > bread, roast potatoes > mashed potatoes.
I was just saying in another comment I could binge-eat Ryvita all day (and have done on many occasions). With just about anything I'd take burnt over under-cooked any day, and steak is no different.
I fully

This inspired me to do some googling.
Apparently most "fining agents" (used to remove sediment) are not vegan and most breweries don't specify what fining agent they use.
I can sort of see the logic in not consuming something even if the animal product has been removed before it's packaged.
Picking the bits of meat off a

Yea apparently it's the stuff that's used to remove the sediment that's the problem, maybe that process is more common in the UK than the US.
According to my brother, veganism means no animals product can be used at any point in the process of making the food (even if it's removed), that means no honey and no wines (unl

The question is if anyone would notice Buzzfeed being taken over by apes.

I'll be honest I'm a little disappointed they didn't update the opening credits for this season. There was so much cool potential for what they could have done with the time-jump, but then I'm a bit of an opening credits nut. Does anyone else care?

Thinking about it now I wish they'd kept the Buffy-as-guidance-counciler plotline going all season, and had Principal Wood, or Giles, or literally anyone else play the general of have the army. It would've been a perfect fit for Kendra if she was still alive.
Then Buffy could disapprove of their methods, liberate the

I'm glad I found someone else who hates the Buffy-as-dictator plotline as much as me, I agree it would have been better if it had been deliberate and she'd learned from it or if it was her decent into becoming a villain herself and the gang had to band together to defeat her (which would have been a bit of a

I never thought of music open-mics, I've seen a few of those advertised but thought it would be weird if only one person was doing comedy (you'd have to be very confident).
Paul F Tompkins did a great bit about opening for a band and that people who are expecting music and get someone telling jokes don't react well (sad

She did take them to a stadium where she knew they'd be attacked by an uber-vamp despite not having any powers in the first place.
Remember potentials don't have any of the slayer-powers until they're chosen.
All the Watcher council's potion did was take away her powers, everything Buffy put those girls through was

If you eve considered going vegan you'll have to cut out most of that alcohol.
Apparently almost all wines, ciders and beers use either egg-whites or animal gelatin in the fermentation process. So you'll have to stick to spirits. At least that's the excuse my alcoholic, vegan brother uses.
I never really got the crazy

So we all agree Tilda Swinton should be the Doctor in Doctor Who?
Just checking.

Having never been to one I do wonder who goes to comedy open mics, I would have thought the entire audience would be comedians waiting to go on stage and their friends/family/supporters.
Personally I'd love to go at least ones as an audience member to see what it's like and to judge the competition and decide if I

Genuine question: How do you hear about open-mic nights? I live in the middle of nowhere and don't know of any nearby, I've tried googling but to no avail. Do you have to go to a big city or do they tend not be advertised online?

I agree that the series was about overcoming fate and finding another way, which is what happened both times.
At first she was "destined" to die but overcame the prophesy by coming back to life, the second time her sister was "destined" to die but she overcame the prophesy by sacrificing herself.
It came full-circle

Yea, I'm 6"4 and I agree height is not all intimating espeailly if you're a really scrawny guy.

Did you settle on both?
When in doubt always do both.

To each their own but I can't think of a more perfect ending than her death.
The series starts with her becoming the Slayer and if it ends with her heroic death it just feels complete, we see her entire career as the Slayer:
From her reluctantly taking the call, becoming a hero, getting more powerful, out-growing the

I see your point, I'm not sure I'd "blame" anyone for it, he only had so much time in his day.
For him to have enough time to properly concentrate on the rest of the season without burning out, we'd either not have the musical episode or not have Firefly. If I could go back in time and make the decision I'd do the

Yea I agree.
I wish they'd got to episodes like Once More with Feeling earlier, then seasons 6 & 7 wouldn't be unnecessary. I don't think it helped that Joss stepped away for much of season 6 to work on Firefly.
In a perfect world Buffy would have ended after season 5 and UPN, being unable to convince Joss to bring