
I think so, relative to season 6 (which I like but not as much as the others) anyway.
They were already at the point of diminishing returns with the concept of the show but I think everyone put in their A-game and pulled out all the stops because it was the final year.
The best place for it to end would obviously have

"she was in almost every scene in the show and Joss put her through the ringer"
Sadly the same can't be said for the show Ringer.

That's impossible to tell because we'll never know what Buffy would have been like if it had continued.
The selfish part of me thinks it's better Buffy ended on a high-note even if it means her carrier falling apart.

Sorry I responded late at night (really got to stop doing that) and misread your post as entirely sarcastic.
Usually people on the internet take posts I made sarcastically as being serious, I have the opposite problem I assume people are being sarcastic and bitchy when they're not.
When someone compliment my clothes I

Not sure your point is there, are you hating on Colbert's show (never seen it) or just overly defensive of Big Bang Theory?
Because I'm not doubting the audience find it legitimately funny, although obviously warm-up acts help facilitate laughter or they wouldn't use them and I'm sure the adrenaline of seeing their

My question: Have doctors found a cure to "the gush" yet?

I've tried but honestly it doesn't go down as well I'd been lead to believe (pun fully intended).
It could just be that I've only mastered the letters O, U, L and I, but I can't see how you'd spell any of the others, my tongue can only form so many shapes.
I stick it in and make those letters but it doesn't seem to have

I would say the advantage of masturbation is you can't disappointed yourself… but that's not true :'(

Genuine query: Can we ask the questions anonymously if we so wish?

Yea, Chuck Lorre is one of the few people still doing stuff in front of live audiences (all his shows are) and they always seem to laugh.
I have now grown a distrust of live people.

Did not know that. I knew it wasn't live (which is pretty obvious by the number of flashback) but read somewhere it was still a real audience watching a recording, guess I was misinformed.
There was also an old-wives' tales on my TV course at University that the studios have been using the same laughter and adding to

You're right it's entirely possible the laughter is sweetened and they certainly play around with sound-mix and the volume of the audience microphones.
If someone laughs right over a joke they usually do another take (that's what happened at the panel show recording I was at).
But it's the frequency of the laughs that

No idea, I'd assume not but remember at this point the audience is made up almost exclusively of huge fans of the show who are just happy to be there and will laugh at anything.
I never got into Friends but having seen a selection of episodes it seemed like as the show went on the audiences got more and more annoying,

I hate to be "that guy" but The Big Bang Theory doesn't use a laugh track.
It's recorded in front of a live studio audience so all the laughs are genuine and not added in post-production.
How I Met Your Mother is the only modern sitcom I know with audience laughter not shot in front of a live audience (because of the

Don't feel dumb, feel lucky. I was not joking about having lost entire evenings to that site.
1. You start on the page for a TV show/trope
2. "That trope sounds interesting I wonder what it is?"
3. *Open link in new tab*
4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you collapse from exhaustion.
In the process you will learn that everything

Dearest Nudeador Viking the Third,

The A.V. Club:
A ridiculous number: Of colons: Part 1

Dear Nudeador,

I'm a huge Community fan and the show has never reduced me to tears (it came close but only when I was in a particular mood and watched episodes with the intention of having feelings again).
I also don't think you have to be smart to enjoy it and I'd question the intelligence of anyone who thinks that's the case, one