
I guess, but this list seems to be playing pretty fast and loose with the definitions.
Arrested Development, The Simpsons, Archer and Louie are as close to sitcoms as Rick and Morty.

Not going to lie, I often read the comments section before the article, but I'd probably stop coming if I completely lost faith in the critics.

It's definitely a comedy first and foremost, there are whole episodes without any action scenes. It's as much as a sitcom as Red Dwarf or Futurama.

"Modern Warfare" is great, but I don't remember laughing out loud much and I think if you're not a familiar with the tropes being parodied it would be even less funny.
"Remedial Chaos Theory" is probably has probably one of highest number of laughs-per-minute for a Community episode for me.

I don't know if that's objectively true, it's certainly hard to prove.
I personally have faith in The AV Club critics that their reviews are based purely on the quality of the show not the diversity of the cast. If they give a show with diverse characters a better review than one without, it's because they think it's a

They could introduce a "I don't care about other people's problems" filter which automatically filters them out (and puts your name on an NSA list of sociopaths).

Depends how it works
Imagine something like Google Glass that actually covered an entire pair of glasses (not to inconceivable?) all it would need is automatic face detection (which already exists) and the ability to blur that persons face in real-time (which almost already exists).
It may not look as cool as it does

"I don't care about diversity (that shit doesn't impact me) just talk about the funny!"
You can always skip over that one paragraph if you're not interested in it.

Just a quick question are you a straight/white/male?
Because I was about to make a similar point before I checked my privileged and realized, the reason I don't want to see every review talk about how "diverse" and "progressive" the show is, is because I'm not adversely effected by a lack if diversity or

Thanks for that very humbling point of view.
I was about to post a comment joining those criticizing the level of praise and number of think pieces the show has got: "I love the series but it's not that revolutionary, it's a TV show not a social movement".
But you've made me realize I don't have the perspective to make

And also doesn't know how to roll one, classic Abbi.
I can totally relate to that too.

Fun fact: That's how I first heard of this show. I watched that video for Reggie Watts but thought the girls were cool, I actually thought Abbi was from Brooklyn 99 (a show I'd not seen at that point).
I didn't hear about it again until AV Club announced it the 2nd best show of the year, I watched series 1 last week

"Early early twenties and see how fucking awful my peers are."
I'm not going to disagree with that, but the trick is to ignore the ones you hate and seek out the good ones (they're usually hiding inside watching TV and posting on the internet).
If there's one thing I've learned from the Star Wars franchise it's that

True, I should probably give the earlier seasons a re-watch. She certainly did grow but I always think of her character as completely apathetic to the circumstances she's going through.
I think this season is doing a bit of a reset (ala Community season 5), regressing most of the characters so we can see them flourish

Either you're a very persistent troll (considering you've yet to make anyone rage) or you're going through some series stuff.
"Also hate friendships" no one (no matter how hurt) can write that with a completely serious tone.
I'm just worried you're doing what I've done in my worse times, which is using hyperbole to make

I feel a Gotye parody coming on "AV Cluuuuuuub!".

I don't think your current circumstances have any bearing on your right to whine. You can't force yourself to appreciate your life, if unhappy lying to yourself and others isn't going to make it better.
I have a feeling April and Andy's happiness may come from choosing to downsize their life, but perhaps that would be

That seems pretty accurate to life to me. Most people who give someone a job/raise due to nepotism honestly think they're doing a good thing.

"I'm 73 and use some dead guy's heart to keep me alive. Does that mean I can't still get high and watch cartoons? The fuck if I care."

I was waiting for him to talk about Good Will Hunting's slovenly friend.