
Really interesting.
As a believer in moral relativism, I'd like to see more games take that second option you described.
Although I only really play Telltale games, which I love, they tend to stick to that first system. Although it can be incredibly cathartic to pick the "bad" option (which is a testament to their

That sounds right.
I wasn't going to correct IMDb or indeed the great Cookie_Monster (oh custodian of great knowledge and lover of cookies) I saw Linehan's name on the first season and recognized his finger prints and assumed it was "his" show.
I never realized that it over-lapped with him working on The IT Crowd, for

Oh, I just thought of another crossover that would work really well: High Maintenance.
They already did an episode with Hannibal (called Jonathon) where he played himself, so it couldn't be the same universe but I'd totally be down for the girls to return to their web-series roots and show-up on that Vimeo series. Or

I noticed that.
I assume that was still with the 30-day return window. During a panel one of the girls said it's possible that all the episodes happen directly after one another and the series actually takes place over a 10 day period.
Although that's not canon it totally makes sense. I'm not complaining, it's a nice

Judging from season 1, all the episodes have the same day-in-the-life type plot with no over-arching narrative, I ended up watching some of them out-of-order and it made almost no difference.

Wow, I just did some googling and apparently Louie has already visited the set. He just dropped by while they were shooting.
That's pretty awesome.…

I don't think that's likely, but Amy Poehler seems to have taken this show under her wing (she was on a recent panel for the show I saw online) and they're friends so I suppose anything is possible.

"I had that one and the one earlier about prosthetic balls, I'm crushin' it, two-for-two!"
*high-fives himself with a small child's hand*

I've certainly seen that comparison made online a lot (and I only got into the show last week) it might have just been in the comments section though.
I think of Broad City as a younger version on Louie (the characters don't have kids or jobs or adult expectations/responsibilities), it's the only show I could see

Like colour, which even I (as an Englishman) think looks wrong.

"Peter Pan (2003)"
I should give that a rewatched, I practically wore out the DVD when it first came out (weirdly, none of my friends had heard of it) but I haven't seen it since then.
I've been worried it wouldn't hold up but the few people who've heard of it seem to like it.

I think you've just got Yogi Bear, are you sure you don't want our import?

"originally involved" was he not involved all the way through? I always thought of Black Books as "The IT Crowd in a book shop".

I guess Abbi never got around to returning that dress then.

No Burress is weird in his own way. Every scene with him is amazing though and I hope he get's more screen time this coming season.
I have a soft spot of Abbi (perhaps because she reminds me of myself) she's essentially a less up-tight Mark from Peep Show.
Which would make Ilana Jez (the weird one) and Lincoln Super

Okay, I was holding off the down-votes and respect your alternative opinion until that comment.
Feel my wrath.

Abbi is great, she's the yang to Illana's ying, she's sometimes stuck with playing the "straight woman" but still has some great moments (the collecting-the-parcel plotline and the coked-up-at-a-party plotline).

Just finished season 1 last night (after starting last Sunday) super excited for the show to return. Now I just have decide if I watch on a week-by-week basis or wait for it to finish and binge the thing.
I've still got a couple of episodes of the webseries to finish.

Honestly that's what I was dreaming off when I saw the hashtag. Even in my wildest imagination I wasn't expecting a theatrical film.

Mumblecore sci-fi/fantasy would be really awesome but also really impracticable to make.
Special effects would make it very hard to shoot handled and improvise scenes and remembering all the universe continuity would be really hard for the actors while improvising.
It would be cool to see someone attempt it though,