
Just finished it a couple of days ago (started it last week), it only lasted 20 episodes but like Firefly it quickly found a way into my heart.
I do think it ended perfectly though, I'd almost be disappointed if we ever got a reunion episode/movie because that will mean the characters have been unhappy since the show

What I've seen of Modern Family, Cougar Town and Arrested Development all show parent/child relationships in a relatively positive light.
I can't think of any series where having kids it's the central aspect of the show and only portrayed as universally positive but that would be a terrible idea for a show.
There needs

So it's Transparent without the trans? Got it.

Haha, if you're going to point out a spelling/auto-correct error the most annoying thing you can do is be funny. Because now I can't edit my post without ruining your joke.

The finished film doesn't have to be fun, I'm just saying it could have been a fun project for him as an actor; Getting paid for phoning in a performance and seeing what crazy shit he could get away with.
I just find it interesting we've decided that an actor constantly making a critically well respected films is the

Maybe he just wants to enjoy his life. Perhaps he has no intention of becoming a well respect actors and just wants to get paid to goof off on fun projects every once in a while.
When analyzing an actors carrier it's easy to slim into assuming what we want as an audiences/critic is what's "best" for the actor.

We don't know how the justice systems work in this world, you'd assume he'd still be put on the sex offenders register as well as serving time.
I'm no expert but I don't think serving a jail sentence means you're not put on the register.
The way I understood it. that fate was unavoidable for his character. If you want a

I usually side with Piper on that show but that was the one time I could forgive her, she willfully defended, nigh encouraged, bad grammar.

I couldn't care less and yet I responded anyway.
However this comment is not covered under the purview of your resolution because I'm saying "I couldn't care less" when I should be saying "I could care less" and your resolution only applies to the opposite case.
My new year's resolution is to be a pedant.

Not to be confused with "MelGibsoncore" which is ice cream with slur words in the middle of it.

Perhaps a little harsh in relation to this review (as you said in another comment there are far worse examples out there) but I see your point and it's a good one.
I don't think any critic here would write "Tina doesn't realize she'll never find a good husband with that attitude" because it's obviously problematic but

It's called Transformers Age of Extinction, like the best horror films it will leave you in a state of shock after and you'll be terrified the horrorrs our cruel and godless universe can produce.

Was that the Kiefer Sutherland film?

I now have slightly more interest in seeing it after reading your comment, although I still probably won't.
I like that someone is putting effort into making films unabashedly for kids. I loved the first two Spy Kids films when they came out and appreciated they weren't soppy and emotional like a lot of family films,

Yea, I think Agent Carter is the only thing in the entire Marvel Universe my mum might actually like.
She doesn't watch any of the ones with "magic or aliens" in, she fell asleep midway through Winter Solider and said "it's just a load of people running and jumping off things, it was fun for half an hour then I got

It's procured with LOOOVE

I urge you to check out any interview you can with him and "The Tommy Wi-Show" on youtube where he hilariously over-estimates and brags about his video-game skills and then fails completely at everything he plays.

I have no idea, I assume the interviewer was referencing something we
don't know about, maybe Tommy mentioned an assistant named John before the interview. All I know is that it's a touchy subject for Mr. Wiseau and he assures us "I have in my business 12 Johns, for your information".
Either he owns a very big company

What's scary is that she does actually show off her legs in that interviews (showing off bruises she got on a scooter), so I get the worrying sense he's re-watched and memorized that whole five year-old talk show segment, like a stalker would.

I just assumed Sony had something to do The Disaster Artist movie and he thinks they're interested in him as a legitimate film-maker, not just a subject they're bringing in for their screenwriters to study.