
His name was John.

To quote Jurassic Park "Wiseau finds away", that way usually involves shoving a check up a woman's snatch and a restraining order filed against him.
There's also cesarean.

All the drugs. From paracetamol to double-cocaine. Ironically, taken together they all cancel each other out and this is just how he normally acts.

"A black, a Chinese, a pregnant… Walk into a bar… Stop me if you've heard this one"
"There are four chairs in the bar, the pregnant sits down and the black asks if he can sit next to her, she replies "No I'm expecting someone"[ba dum tish]. So the black asks the Chinese and she says "No, you cannot use my chair unless

I went to a screening for my friends bachelor party, it was a lot of fun.
There were a lot of specific traditions specific to the screening I didn't know about (like throwing plastic spoons at the screen).
I think getting drunk and going once with a group of friends isn't that weird, returning multiple times (like some

I assume he was offering.

All pregnant characters on TV count twice, which really messes up the statistics and Mr. Wiseau is adamant that even the fetus is paid.

Yea, they went for a safe (albeit bland) pair of hands and they should have perfected the formula at this point. So it's unlikely it will be a total failure (like Iron Man 2) but rather bland filler (like Thor 2).
It's the whole risk/reward thing, by taking the project away from someone exciting and giving it to

Yea, I guess I am behind on the racial makeup of the cast and always will be, as someone else in this comments section finally convinced me it's not worth me wasting any more time on the show. Which is a weight off my shoulders.

I saw the mustache in the header picture and assumed it was Paul F Tompkins, I can't say I wasn't disappointed.

I always read your letters with a posh English accent, I assume I'm not the only one.

Actually that's slow for Mr. Wiseau.

His racial politics seems all over the map too
"like you have a black, you have a Chinese, you have a pregnant, you have this, you have that, et cetera."
It seems like he wants to be progressive but has no idea what that actually entails.

"Stick to shows you actually enjoy watching, not ones you feel obligated to."

I wouldn't hold up much hope on Wright's input. It could still be a good film but a "Story By" credits means very little.
It's what's called an "Irreducible Story Minimum", basically it's the smallest credit they're legally allowed to give a writer who did the first draft. Even if they did a page one re-write and

Wonder Woman is one of the other few comics I read and I was going to use it as my example but thought someone fanboy would complain "that's DC not Marvel you idiot!".
It really is a great example of an expansive, interesting story being told in it's own corner of the universe, no unnecessary crossovers (or even

Uh oh.
I'm in trouble now, suggesting there might be certain privileges to being born white and male into a world where certain people treat non-white, non-males badly.
I guess I'll just open that can and walk away, Ricky can do with those worms whatever he wishes.

The whole scramble finding a new director also feeds into that opinion. When Edgar left or was fired, they didn't go for someone equally interesting they went for a safe nobody, like they were scrabbling to find anyone with experience and the right hole in their schedule to make the release date.
Who knows, maybe it

I hope so, it would be great if the film-makers had enough sway over Marvel to give them money for small passion projects like that.
They're certainly making enough profit that it's not a ridicules notion and you'd think they'd want to win keep their directors onside after the Edgar Wright incident.
I guess we'll just

Nope, no inside Marvel knowledge.
Perhaps "hunch" would be a better choice of words or "feeling" or "vibe". I've been following the news and rumors so it's partly informed by that, I read some interview a while back saying they were sticking to the release date despite Edgar Wright being fired and heavy re-writes (the