
I agree, I should remember the context of the internet is not the same as the context of an open-mic night and my over-the-top expression probably doesn't come across well in the written word, also there are people on the Internet who are being completely serious when they make parallels as ridiculously over-the-top

"And that's not even starting with making Constantine on TV no longer bisexual."
I agree with you there! 100%
That's why I've not even started watching that show, despite being initially excited about it.
He doesn't smoke either which is both a diversity issue (people smoke, they should be represented) and a story issue,

"If you can't remember the key character of the first season - Skye - I guess that's on you. "
Actually it's on the writer of the show not creating an interesting character.

If it makes you feel any better my original comment was going to be:
""sure has a lot of white people in it. It wouldn’t hurt to have some diversity in the cast."
Could be said about just about every Network TV show ever but at least it's historically accurate here."

I never said they "didn't count", just that I didn't remember that character don't put that on me.
I'm only criticizing for the sake improvement (and to have a fun discussion), I'm not attacking the MCU.
It's certainly no worse than most Hollywood films and American network TV shows, which have a terrible track record

That's still over 50% white, hardly a cause for celebration of diversity.
And I think that's being generous.
In the interest of being fair we should either only count the principle cast (2/3rds white) or count the entire recurring cast roster (I'm not going to do that but from what I remember it would come out even

Yes, I don't do music.
It had the robot heads, I thought that was Daft Punk but it's not their track.

That's so damming with faint praise I'm not even willing to acknowledge it as any kid of achievement.
Being "one of" the most diverse casts on Network TV is like being "one of" the least racist guys in the KKK, or "one of" the kindest serial killers.
I could make plenty far more unkindly analogies but I won't in the

At the end of season 1 they seemed to be repeating Angel's plotline in Buffy: Take the brooding, under-acted, hansom good-guy and turn him into the hammy, over-acted, hansom bad-guy.
The actor was so dull throughout the first season that's the reasons I thought his character couldn't be redeemed even if his

Hahaha, what?
More diverse than Orange is the new Black, or are we just talking about network TV? In which case Brooklyn Nine-Nine probably beats it and that's just off the top of my head.
Unless it's been completely recast since the end of season 1, it's got one Asian lead character and a token black guy in the

With the Russo brother directing they should have got Ludwig for a Community reunion.

I'd watch this if I hadn't seen any of MCU film too, it just looks cool.
And people have to start somewhere, with the MCU heading into it's third phase the expectation has to be that people are going to jump on at different points and not necessarily watch all the films from the start.
I know people who started with The

Glad to hear so many fellow AoS-haters are fans of this. I've been looking forward to this ever since I first read about it which was before AoS even started.
I think I'll wait for it to finish and then give it a binge (being in the UK).

The A.V. Club
coming wobbly

"he Flash being a regular running show"
Hahahaha, great punsmanship.

It's got more episodes than the average "full" British series, I hope they don't expand that if it get's renewed.
I also wouldn't mind them taking a few years break between seasons (like many British shows) so they have time to refill their idea tanks and give the cast a chance to do other things.

People can comment on something after the fact without it affecting their enjoyment of it in the moment.
I'll notice a lack of minorities or certain stereotypes and it won't bother me unless it's particularly egregious but I'll still comment on it aft the fact.

"sure has a lot of white people in it. It wouldn’t hurt to have some diversity in the cast."
Could be said about just about every Marvel production ever but at least it's historically accurate here.

Well we can look on the positive side, there's still Agent Carter and however many Netflix series coming out.
At least one of those should better.

Yea I totally agree.
I'd definitely like to see more of them but I doubt Marvel will go for it, from a cost/benefit viewpoint I'm guessing they're not cheap and barely affect DVD/Bluray sales.
It's a shame though, espeailly considering they haven't replaced them with anything good, it's usually two featurettes and some