
Yea, I always thought of Fifteen Million Merits existing further in the future.
I think it's more of an Easter Egg than a "shared universe".

This is a very good point and I think one that perfectly applies to the prison system (espeailly in America but also in England), taking people who do bad things and locking them together away from society for an extended period of time isn't anything more than bad quick fix (hiding the problem out of sight).
I have no

Did anyone catch the references to previous episodes?
One of the usernames on Jon Hamm's screen was I_Am_Waldo and one of the programs on TV was Hot Shots.

The scary thing about Jon Hamm's fate is I think that's exactly how this technology would be used if it existed.
Even if it wasn't automatic, if you give people the ability to block anyone from their lives and there's a sex offenders register they are going to choose to automatically block everyone on there without

Yea, I think Boyhood is the most I've ever disagreed with Half in the Bag on a film but they were still endlessly entertaining.

The talk was supposed to be terrible though, he's that irritating guy who got invited there by accident (or invited himself) and everyone just wants him to shut up and go away.
I think he played that part perfectly.

I think writers just write what they know.
It's really that simple, they're creative, nerdy kids who were bullied in school so all their characters are too.
As a child I always wondered why there were never movies from the point of view of the school bullies (even though they appeared to be in the majority) then I

"Linklater certainly is no stranger to overly pretentious conversations"
This is something I thought about when leaving the cinema; how many of those scenes where intellectually funny.
I really hope it wasn't unintentional because I think that takes a little bit of the genius away.
It was just so perfect as an example of

I personally didn't think it was boring, I thought it was funny.
It was so dead on accurate to the kind of things 17 year olds say, they think they're taking a big philosophical stance by not using a social network, it made me and most of the audience in the theater laugh out loud.
It really did feel remarkably true to

Any animal with four legs and a tail is a dog.
Raccoons, bears, mountain lions, mice. These are just different sizes of dog.

i want to fart on your face and your face fart me.

Not sure I agree with it but your logic checks out.


That's like say The Great Dictator contributed to the popularization of Hitler (Godwin's law time), it's so popular anyway I doubt it makes any noticeable difference.
I don't think it's funny that often either but I think it's occasionally chuckle-worthy.
I never thought it was aiming to be a site you return to every

I don't get the hate, it's a funny one-off joke site that mocks the kind of things you see in your facebook feed (click-bate titles, pointless quizzes, 'inspirational' videos).
It's not a site I return to often but occasionally I share something I see.

I stopped writing after

Actually when Clickhole first started I saw more links to it in my facebook feed than I did to The AV Club or The Onion.
I'd still say it's ahead.

LOVED this show.
Well I don't think I ever saw a full, except the Steven Fry one, but whenever I'm bored (usually at 1AM) I spend far to long watching his interviews on youtube.

I don't know if it does.
Sometimes I watch an episode of Veep (for example) because I don't feel like watching a 2-hour film and then I end up watching 5 in a row.
I don't think I could stomach a 5-hour film easily but there have been countless occasions where I binge-watched a TV show for more than 5-hours on Netflix.

Well, I've only seen three of those films, not see Interstellar yet, so boo me.
In my defense I think some of them aren't out in England yet, but that's hardly a defense.