
I up-voted your comment until I read the edit.
Edge of Tomorrow was great though, just behind Guardians in my mind but deserves to be on a list so everyone who missed it in the cinema knows to catch up.

If it makes you feel better I think of Boyhood more as several short films. As it goes on it builds more of a over-arching structure between the segments but it's still a series of vignettes. So it's not one 3-hour film, it's twelve 14-minute films.
It could have been released in festivals as one short film a year with

Is it strange the first actor I recognized in the trailer after Ben Stiller was Annie's Boobs from Community?
That monkey get's around.

So the only amendment Fox care about is the second one then. Not the first? That makes sense.

Maybe I am.
I just assumed American news media like Fox will hype the shit out of this incident. I don't live there so I could be completely wrong but I would have thought it would be a big enough story to make the news for a while.
Especially if they did a huge media push with the eventually release "The movie North

Not even seen the second one yet. I might never see it (until I do my compressed edit of the trilogy into one film).
I'm not one of those people who continues to see films in a series if I don't like the first one.
I've only seen the first Transforms and don't understand people who continually complain every time they

Capitalism wins too.
No, seriously, this is great publicity for when they actually release the film.
It's the perfectly synergy between terrorism and capitalism; the terrorists get the film delayed, the corporation gets more money when it's eventually released, and the American public get to feel like they're doing

It's a win for Sony too, not getting hacked that part legitimately sucks, but they can either go forward with the release now in a small number of theaters…
Or cancel it now, wait for all the free publicity, then announce they are releasing it after all and watch the profits roll in.
The more they delay the release and

It's also a smart business move.
The release seemed like a bit of a dump in a time of year where there wouldn't be much competition for it.
So if you cancel the release now, wait for the media frenzy, then announce you are releasing it if after all… Just imagine the box office numbers then!
There's no story unless they

Yea I see that point but to me those flaws look stylistic and charming whereas bad CGI just looks bad.
Someone standing in front of an obvious painting is more stylistically cool than someone standing in front of a videogame background.
Maybe kids who grew up in the 2000s will develop a nostalgia for bad CGI, but I was

Yea, I think the more familiar we are with something the more we notice falseness of CGI. We've mastered monsters/aliens and we're getting their with certain animals but still a long way off humans looking normal.
Even when it's just a quick shot or something in the background I tend to notice now.
I think early 2000s

I guess you're right there are other moments of silliness, that just seemed to be worst offender in my mind, a step to far.
And the CGI tends to give it a weight-less feeling the other moments don't have (or not to the same extent), it's less a problem with what Legolas did but with how it was executed visually.

It's over-the-top silly and borderline cartoonish.
It looks cool as a stand-alone set piece but as an actual event that supposedly happened in this grounded fantasy world I don't buy it.
It's one of those moments that makes you go "wow!" when you first see it but on reflection it's out of place.
It's coolness for the

Off topic but sadly Vanilla Coke no longer exists in the UK.
I used to be crazy addicted to it then it suddenly just disappeared and left me sad and alone*.

But that's not really the definition of the word, I could see Rocket or even Star Lord using the word like that, but Drax is practically a walking dictionary he doesn't strike me as the kind of person who uses slang or has his own versions of words.

Yea, I tend not to care about cliches in stories if they're well done, if it comes from a place of honestly and the story the director wants to tell happens to have been done before.
Also I wonder if it was as cliche when that segment was written and shot.

The line would have at least made more sense coming from Rocket because he's less literal and more of a snarky asshole.
I think it stood out more because it was out-of-character for someone who speaks so matter-of-factly.

"It says unpleasant things about the character, and possibly about the writers. It was the only element of that movie that I would undo given the chance."

Oh yea, I don't debate that but if someone wanted to watch prequels I think the Clone Wars (and probably Rebels but I've not seen it yet) do a far better job than the "official" prequels.

Yup that's exactly how it works. Checks and balance. Once you've not looked at enough leaked photos you get to commit one free murder.
I had to get really introspective when I caught myself feeling proud for not looking at those Jennifer Lawrence pictures.
I had a little rant inside my head reminding the part of my